Last-minute cancellations, long waiting times … anyone who has tried to get a cab recently is likely to have faced a struggle. But why? I asked Steve Wright, chairman of the Licensed Private Hire Car Association, which represents taxis that take pre-bookings.
When reports about this appeared last year, it was put down to cab driver shortages – is that still the case?
Yes. When the pandemic hit, work went off a cliff edge. Many drivers are self-employed and there wasn’t much government support. Some with leased vehicles lost their cars, and don’t forget licensing fees or renewals. It’s catastrophic.
How much are the licensing fees?
Well, by the time you do your criminal record check, medical check, topographical tests and other bits and pieces, you’re not far short of £1,000. The process might already take three or four months, but then there was the pandemic backlog. Drivers think, “I’d rather drive for Amazon.”
How many drivers have disappeared?
It’s difficult to put a number on it because people may still have their licence but have given up using it. We estimate nearly 50% of the industry has gone missing. Try getting a private hire vehicle late at night and you just can’t.
That’s been my experience, even using the apps.
Most cab companies have their own apps, but you mean the big American company I won’t name, with its immoral surge pricing mugging people off. They came in saying, “We want to get rid of you local cab lot so we’ll give away loads of cheap journeys.” The local cabs couldn’t compete. We spoke to the competition authority about it: it’s just like back in the day when people said supermarkets were going to be great and would reduce cost. Actually, they slaughtered all the small businesses on the corner and guess what?
… you have no other choice but to buy from them.
And that’s when they put the price up. Vulture capitalists. There’s no loyalty with the apps, no, “Hello Mrs. Jones. You going to see the doctor again? We’ll make sure we have a car for you.” And for the drivers there’s no controller. There’s no one at the end of the radio to help if you get stuck.
Would you say being a cabby is poorly paid now?
No – actually, it’s the opposite. The driver shortages have meant the fares are resetting. The taxi drivers who are left have never had it so good. But here’s another irony for the consumer. Cab drivers are very much driven by, “I need to earn a hundred quid, then I’ll go home.” But if they’re earning the hundred quid quicker, guess what happens?
They go home earlier, leaving the nightcrawlers stuck. Gosh, I remember the last time I went out-out, trying to get a cab with 1% battery and none on the apps – the panic!
OK, so how long before we get driver numbers up?
We need to make the licensing process more efficient and get some support from government for drivers who have lost their vehicles and can’t get credit. But at the current rate … maybe never.
But people need cabs!
I know. People rely on us – particularly elderly people and vulnerable people. We do lots of school runs for children with special needs. But the apps distorted it for the worse. Nobody’s won.