And other stories from the stranger side of life
German men are the most likely to sit down while taking a pee, according to am international poll. Researchers found that 62% of German men said they usually or always sat down, compared with 50% of Swedes, 34% of Italians and only 23% of Brits. Generations of German parents “worried about younger boys’ aim” have “long encouraged their offspring to sit down while urinating”, and signs placed in the bathrooms of some bars and cafés recommend it, noted The Times.
Man hides scissors in a risky place
A man was caught apparently trying to smuggle an eight-and-a-half inch pair of scissors into a prison by hiding them in his anus, reported Sky News. Officers discovered the risky ploy as they processed the man at La Porte County Jail in the US state of Indiana. A spokesperson for the jail said the assistant commander of operations, Lieutenant Jeff Holt, “observed what appeared to be a foreign object inside the anal cavity of the arrestee”. The spokesperson added that “a short time later, the scissors were removed from the arrestee without incident”.
Smashed Cobain guitar sells at auction
A guitar smashed by Kurt Cobain has confounded expectations by selling at auction for nearly $600,000 (£480,000). The broken black Fender Stratocaster had been expected to sell for a tenth of that amount at the auction at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York, said ABC. Although the instrument has been put back together, is no longer playable. The three-day auction also included memorabilia from Eddie Van Halen, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury, Bill Wyman and Janet Jackson.
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