My name is Adas Vasiliauskas, and I created the globally recognized project Quarantine Portraits. Now, I have taken on a new venture—transforming paradoxical Lithuanian sayings into visual artworks using artificial intelligence.
In my latest project, "Nu, literaliAI", I illustrate everyday Lithuanian idioms literally. The result? Witty, unexpected, and visually striking images that not only bring a smile but also offer a fresh perspective on the Lithuanian language.
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#1 Kabina Makaronus / Hanging Noodles
The meaning behind this saying is: telling lies, sweet-talking.

When "hanging noodles" becomes a literal activity.
In this project, I don't aim to convey the actual meaning of idioms. On the contrary, I rely on their direct, literal interpretation. For example, the Lithuanian phrase "kabinti makaronus" (which figuratively means "to lie" or "to deceive") is transformed into a group of women who aren't lying to anyone—they're simply hanging boiled spaghetti to dry. Another phrase, "Akis bado" (which means "to reproach" or "to criticize"), is visualized as a character literally stabbing a plate full of eyeballs with pins. These compositions come to life with the help of advanced AI technology, enabling the creation of highly detailed and realistic visualizations.
#2 Kačiokas / Kitten Guy
True meaning: a muscular guy, gym bro.

#3 Silkė Pataluose / Herring Under A Blanket
The meaning behind this saying is: laying very comfortably.

AI as a creative tool, not a replacement.
I see artificial intelligence as a new creative medium rather than a competitor to traditional photography. AI allows us to visualize how idioms would look if understood literally. It’s a kind of visual experiment with language—both amusing and slightly absurd.
While AI offers limitless possibilities for image generation, my real work lies in developing ideas and shaping them into final pieces. The success of Nu, literaliAI proves this—on social media, the project sparks curiosity, with audiences competing to guess which idiom is hidden behind each image.
#4 Viens Prie Vieno / One Next To One
The meaning behind this saying is: an exact match.

#5 Pakrovė Malkų / Charged Firewood
The meaning behind this saying is: gave a beating or scolded someone harshly.

The beauty of the Lithuanian language through a visual lens.
This project is not just about humor; it also has an educational aspect. Many idioms are used automatically in everyday speech without much thought about their origins or meanings. Nu, literaliAI offers a new way to see them—sometimes absurd, sometimes ironic, but always creative.
#6 Mėto Pėdas / Throwing Feet
The meaning behind this saying is: covering one's tracks.

#7 Ko Toks Surūgęs? / Why So Sour?
The meaning behind this saying is: why are you in a bad mood?

I wanted to showcase the absurd beauty of our language, and it seems I have found a way to make AI understand Lithuanian humor.
This project is a perfect example of how technology can be more than just a practical tool—it can also be a source of inspiration for artists. By interpreting Lithuanian idioms through AI, we highlight the uniqueness and vividness of the Lithuanian language in an entirely new way.
#8 Užmetė Akį / Threw An Eye On
The meaning behind this saying is: took a quick look.

#9 Kėlėsi Su Gaidžiais / Woke Up With The Roosters
The meaning behind this saying is: woke up very early.

#10 Širdžių Ėdikas / Heart Eater
The meaning behind this saying is: a heartbreaker.

#11 Senas Krienas / Old Horseradish
The meaning behind this saying is: a grumpy old person.

#12 Akis Bado / Poking The Eyes
The meaning behind this saying is: something obvious or annoying.

#13 Vynioja Į Vatą / Wrapping In Cotton Wool
The meaning behind this saying is: not speaking directly, sugarcoating.

#14 Padarė Iš Musės Dramblį / Made An Elephant Out Of A Fly
The meaning behind this saying is: made a big deal out of nothing.

#15 Piktas Kaip Širšė / Angry As A Wasp
The meaning behind this saying is: very angry.

#16 Juodoji Buhalterija / Black Accounting
The meaning behind this saying is: illegal bookkeeping, fraud.

#17 Gyvatukas / Little Snake
"Gyvatukas" translates to a bathroom radiator

#18 Verkia Duonelė Tinginio Valgoma / The Bread Cries When Eaten By A Lazy Person
The meaning behind this saying is: lazy people don’t deserve rewards.

#19 Išmušė Iš Vėžių / Knocked Off The Rails
The meaning behind this saying is: knocked out of the rut, thrown off balance, confused.
The word "Vėžių" can also mean crawfish.

#20 Rašo Kaip Vištos Koja / Writes Like A Hen’s Leg
The meaning behind this saying is: terrible handwriting.

#21 Duok Durniui Kelią / Give Way To A Fool
The meaning behind this saying is: don’t argue with fools.

#22 Dega Akys / Eyes Are Burning
The meaning behind this saying is: full of passion or determination.

#23 Laimo Liga / Lyme Disease
The word "laimo" can both mean Lyme and lime.

#24 Išėjo Į Pliusą / Came Out In The Plus
The meaning behind this saying is: made a profit.

#25 Atsilupęs / Peeled
The meaning behind this saying is: crazy, clueless, or not in touch with reality.

#26 Vilkas Avies Kailyje / A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
The meaning behind this saying is: a deceptive person.

#27 Pripylė Iš Akies / Poured Out Of The Eye
The meaning behind this saying is: measured roughly, without precision.

#28 Ratais Kvadratais / In Circles In Squares
The meaning behind this saying is: overcomplicating things.

#29 Damušė Alų / Finished Off The Beer
The meaning behind this saying is: drank the last bit.

#30 Vienas Lauke Ne Karys / One Is Not A Warrior In The Field
The meaning behind this saying is: teamwork is needed.

#31 Svogūno Laiškai / Letters By An Onion
"Svogūno laiškai" also translates to "onion leaves" or "green part of an onion"—which refers to the green shoots that grow from an onion.

#32 Virina Šaibas / Welding Washers
The meaning behind this saying is: making money.

#33 Grįžo Pripiešęs / Came Back Drawn On
The meaning behind this saying is: came back drunk.

#34 Nieko Negirdžiu Per Radiją Kalbu / I Can’t Hear Anything, I’m Talking On The Radio
The meaning behind this saying is: ignoring others.

#35 Pem Ant Pem / Fifty On Fifty
Translates to 50/50 chance.

#36 Liko It Musę Kandęs / Left As If Having Bitten A Fly
The meaning behind this saying is: disappointed, empty-handed.

#37 Botų Ferma / Boot Farm
Word "Botai" has a double meaning: bots and boots. The meaning behind this saying is: bot farm.

#38 Primink Telefoną / Step On A Phone
Word "Primink" has several meanings: remind and step on. The meaning behind this is: remind me your phone number.

#39 Žuvies Piršteliai / Fish Fingers

#40 Motininė Plokštė / Motherboard