Ron Rivera was visibly upset Thursday night.
With the press following the 12-7 win over Chicago, Rivera was asked concerning the ESPN report Thursday morning that Commanders owner Daniel Snyder had forced Rivera to trade for Carson Wentz.
Rivera responded, “Honestly? I am going to speak my mind for a second.” He then proceeded to inform those present that report was “bull—-.” While the Washington staff was attending the 2022 NFL scouting combine, it was Rivera himself who was also studying stats and analytics on Carson Wentz.
Ron Rivera VERY fired up responding to a question about a report that he didn’t pick Carson, Synder did: pic.twitter.com/jx6oObewu1
— Michele Steele (@MicheleSteele) October 14, 2022
Why is Rivera so upset?
For starters, Washington had lost four consecutive games, and showed up unprepared to play in two games being embarrassed 46-0 in the first halves.
Secondly, Monday afternoon when asked about the Eagles, Cowboys and Giants playing very well and why Washington was not, Rivera had initially replied, “Quarterback.”
Quite frankly, what transpired illustrated something that I learned about 30 years ago when a very wise man said, “What happens on Sunday mornings all over the world is a preacher speaks before an audience. There is first what the preacher ACTUALLY said, and secondly, there is what the people actually THINK the preacher said.”
I have found this to be true again and again over the decades. A listener listens with his or her own grid, their own personal history, their own worldview, their own opinions of a given situation. Though the best of us may think we are, none of us are entirely objective. We hear words and then interpret them according to our own personal grid through which we define reality.
When Rivera actually said, “Quarterback” many (including myself) actually assumed he meant Carson Wentz. We assumed he was talking only about Washington being 1-4 this 2022 season.
However, his explanation that followed unveiled Rivera making references to last season as well. It was then I was reminded of another truth I learned decades ago, “Context is king”. Humans speak and write in language, yet the context determines the nuance and specificity of how those words are intended to be understood.
Thus, when Coach Ron said, “Quarterback” we all assumed he meant solely Carson Wentz. Closer listening to the explanation should have revealed to more of us Ron was answering from his own personal history as Washington’s coach.
Ron became coach in 2020 and who was his “quarterback?” Dwayne Haskins, whom he benched, then Kyle Allen who became injured, then Alex Smith who bless his heart, his leg couldn’t hold up. So he went back to Haskins, benched, and cut Haskins, going with Taylor Heinicke.
In 2021, Rivera started Ryan Fitzpatrick. Fitz lasted all of six pass attempts before a hip injury sidelined him for the season. Six pass attempts from his starter! Thus he went to Heinicke before a positive COVID test sidelined Heinicke. Garrett Gilbert started at Philadelphia. Heinicke returned to start and was pulled two games for Allen, hoping for more success.
This season, yes, Carson Wentz had started and played all five games, and Rivera honestly admitted Wentz had struggled in a few games. But that wasn’t enough; most of us ASSUMED he could only mean Wentz when in his explanation pointed elsewhere as well.
Why is Rivera so upset?
Because when he initially responded with one word, “quarterback” we assumed he meant one person. In actuality he meant ONE POSITION and several people.
Rivera is also upset with himself for choosing to initially answer with one word. Regardless of how well he has later explained himself, his explanation is not accepted. Add to that an ESPN report challenging Rivera’s manhood, presenting him as Snyder’s puppet, and you bet I understand why Coach Ron is upset.
Even more, sports analysts including former Washington quarterback Alex Smith went on television Monday night, waxing eloquently on Rivera’s one-word initial answer, “quarterback.” They proceeded to pile on Rivera, all the while apparently blind to the irony; they were revealing they simplistically focused on one word, entirely ignoring his explanation. They were guilty of equating their interpretation with the truth of what Rivera had actually said.
Welcome to the human race.