Ciarran Stott
banished to 10 Shake
But even root rat cheating on his girlfriend in the very first episode and other stars fucking and fighting for the cameras wasn’t enough to ensure a hit.
It suffered dismal ratings and was or, as my colleague put it, where TV shows go to die.
And what about ?
Once an absolute juggernaut, to the point where both and were scrapped for 2022.
These are just two examples of the multitude of reality shows that have suffered in the ratings over the last year or so, including , etc etc.
I remember a time when social media was dominated by conversation about local reality series.
But the last few seasons of the once-great shows have been met with virtual tumbleweeds.
So what exactly does this mean? Are people just not watching telly anymore?
Well no, we’re still tuning in to the silver screen, but the type of shows we’re tuning into has changed.
Over the past few weeks, you couldn’t open social media without seeing .
Nothing unites punters online like a bloody good scripted series that has us absolutely frothing.
Online discussion about the dickhead of the week has progessed to fan theories and funnies involving shows like , and .
This might make you wonder why our viewing habits have changed and honestly, I think the answer is simple.
When shows like first kicked off, they were shiny and new to us. They were spicy, addictive and unpredictable.
But over time, season after season, they became the opposite.
They became stale, formulaic and extremely predictable.
Throwback to based purely off what the bloke was wearing and the type of first date they went on.
Not only that, but we’ve seen time and time again that a lot of the contestants who apply for these shows pretty much pull the wool over our eyes by having us believe they’re in it for the right reasons when really they’re just trying to grow their Instagram following.
from the most recent season of even that she entered the show for clout as if it was some kind of flex.
Ah, no luv. It’s not the flex you think it is. It’s actually part of the reason why reality TV shows are dying.
That and the fact that the success rate of dating shows is absolutely shocking.
According to , only three couples out of 65+ are still together.
Every time a series ends, like clockwork, the couple will each drop a breakup announcement months later, leaving us to wonder why we wasted months of our lives tuning in to this farce.
The audience isn’t as stupid as these reality stars want them to be.
They’re actually quite intelligent and selective of the shows they choose to spend their free time indulging in.
And based on the ratings, it looks like they’ve moved on from repetitive and over-produced (read: fake) drama and onto shows with brilliant writing and acting.
I, for one, am very pleased to see that our taste in telly has elevated.
Yaaaaaaaaaawn. (Credit: Ten)
The Bachelor the ratings faced a rapid decline over the years The Bachelor The Bachelorette The Real Housewives of Melbourne The Real Love Boat a pic, a rant or a meme involving The White Lotus Bachie Stranger Things Wednesday Yellowstone Bachie the time we predicted The Bachelorette winner on Brooke Blurton‘s season during its first week Carolina Schmidt MAFS admitted on Instaour research MAFS

The post Why Brilliant Scripted Shows Are Dominating The Ratings While Mindless Reality TV Is Bombing appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .