With their bright fluted florets and and glorious green leafage, peace lilies are a lovely choice of houseplant. They're fairly non-fussy but can sometimes fall victim to browning leaves that quickly take away from the plant's clean, pristine blooms.
As it turns out, these popular houseplants can recover from browning. However, this recovery hinges on the causes behind the color-changing consequence and the severity of the case. Now if you're wondering why your pretty peace lily is losing its allure to browning leaves, there could be a couple of forces at play.
We put together some expert advice detailing the culprits behind your peace lily's browning leaves and asked houseplant experts how they battle this common problem. Here's what you need to know.
Why Are My Peace Lily's Leaves Turning Brown?

Although they are some of the best bathroom plants, peace lilies have the charm to beautify any living space. However, they should be styled to suit their needs.
In conversation with Tony O'Neill, he tells us that brown leaves on peace lilies are usually a sign of stress due to improper care or environmental factors. Here’s a breakdown of common causes and remedies:
Under-Watering or Over-Watering: "Peace lilies require consistent moisture but do not like to sit in waterlogged soil," he notes. "Brown tips may indicate underwatering, while fully brown leaves might suggest root rot from overwatering."
Low Humidity: "Being tropical plants, peace lilies thrive in higher humidity," he advises. "Dry indoor air, especially in winter, can cause the leaf tips to turn brown."
Direct Sunlight: "It's also important to remember that these plants prefer bright, indirect light," he explains. "Direct sunlight can scorch their leaves, causing brown spots or margins."
Can You Fix the Browning on Peace Lilies?

"Yes, to some extent," says Tony. "If the browning is minimal and caused by environmental factors, adjusting the care can restore the plant's health."
However, Tony warns that severely damaged leaves on these otherwise low-maintenance plants will not turn green again but can be pruned away. We recommend trimming your extensively browned leaves to prevent further browning and to keep your peace lily from sullying your room's ambiance.
We recommend investing in a trusty pair of plant care tools like these Indoor Plant Shears from Walmart for pro-like pruning.
How to Fix Browning Leaves on Peace Lilies

When it comes to indoor plants that flower all year round, peace lilies are among the most beloved. But if your houseplant is experiencing a touch of browning, Tony's five-step method will resolve this unusual coloring issue in no time.
Step 1 - Check the Watering Schedule: "Ensure the soil is moist but not soggy," he advises. "And water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry."
Step 2 - Adjust Humidity Levels: "Increase humidity around the plant by misting it regularly," he suggests. "You can also place it on a pebble tray, or use a humidifier."
Step 3 - Reposition the Plant: "Move your peace lily to a spot with bright, indirect sunlight," he says. "It's best to avoid direct sun exposure."
Step 4 - Prune Damaged Leaves: He recommends using clean scissors to cut off brown or dead leaves at the base to help redirect energy to healthier growth.
Step 5 - Fertilize Appropriately: "Over-fertilization can cause chemical burns to the roots," he adds. "Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength, every 6 weeks during the growing season."
Price: $59.95
Container: 4" Reactive Glaze
This Peace Lily Gift Plant from Jackson & Perkins comes in a speckled planter that will seamlessly fit into any minimalist home.
Price: $52.02
Size: 6" Plant
We spotted this KaBloom Peace Lily Plant from Garden Goods Direct, and it happens to offer all of the lush foliage with none of the sow work.
Price: $29.95
Container: 6" Pot
This Domino Variegated Peace Lily from Garden Goods Direct boasts beautiful marbled leaves that add an elegant finish to your indoor garden.
And there you have it! A browning peace lily is not all bad news. Especially if you've only just noticed a slight loss of green, you can return your peace lily to its generally healthy self in just a couple of quick steps.
However, if your peace lily is beyond saving, feel free to look through our recommendations for houseplant buys. And since these indoor plants make great gifts, you can also treat your fellow plant parent friends to this wonderful bloom.