DIY isn't just about saving money—it's an ethos. You see the vision. Whether you're putting together brochures for your budding business or giving gifts that create everlasting memories, your creations should reflect your distinct style. It simply means more.
That's why a Canon inkjet printer is a tool you can't overlook. They're not like the printers you had 20 years ago. These modern machines offer new, innovative features alongside the convenience of home printing. From making photo books to designing concept decks, here are some ways an inkjet printer lets you get more done, saving you a trip to the print shop.

Preserve your memories
We're so used to having all our images confined to our little devices that holding a physical picture can be a truly novel experience. Canon printers can produce high-quality photos with sharp detail and incredible color accuracy. You could create a photo album to capture the memories of your recent vacation or decorate your space with reproductions of landscapes printed on glossy photo paper for added texture. Surrounding yourself with your best memories is never a bad choice.
Get organized
Designing and printing custom labels is a great way to bring order to your sometimes chaotic days. Want to keep your kids' lunchboxes, water bottles, and notebooks straight? Label. Want to know you're grabbing the nutmeg instead of the cumin? Label. Want to keep your filing cabinet immaculate (even though your receipt collection is anything but)? Label. Plus, you can add fun shapes, fonts, or even photos to give them a personal touch. An organized life means an organized mind.

Home office heroics
Have you ever made a concept deck that you were really proud of and, on the way to the meeting, you stopped by a print store to get it printed, but only after it was printed did you realize you formatted the files to be 11 x 17 when you really should have formatted them to be 8.5 x 11, and you couldn't reformat it because you didn't have your laptop on you, so you just showed up to the meeting feeling like a dummy with an improperly formatted presentation? Just me? Ok.
Don't be like me. Whether you're working from home or building your side hustle, having a printer by your side will allow you to create professional-grade prints in minutes. You can quickly brainstorm presentation materials that will really drive your point home, or create brochures and business cards to help get you that next client. The difference between success and failure often comes down to presentation. Don't give anyone an excuse to overlook your work because your printing was subpar.
A gift they'll remember
High-quality printing isn't just important for business occasions. It can also make a difference when you're giving gifts to the special people in your life. You can use your Canon inkjet printer to create custom gift tags and stickers; design a personalized birthday card and envelope; craft an origami figure to tie into the bow; and print bespoke stationery to write notes to those you care about. No matter what, your Canon inkjet can be key to creating memories your loved ones will cherish forever.