Beowulf. The great thing about Zemeckis' motion capture technique is that it allows the film-maker to utilise the talents of older actors in more youthful roles. And it's quite exciting to make out the digitised features of a famous face beneath the sheen of pixels. Our eponymous hero, seen here in battle-ready mode, is clearly played by Sean Bean, that classic British tough gu... What's that you say? It's Ray Winstone? Eh? Well, moving swiftly on, we have...Photograph: Public domainWiglaf, who according to our notes is Beowulf's right hand man. Hang on a sec. It says here he's supposed to be Brendan Gleeson? This is getting silly. Oh well. Thank goodness for...Photograph: Public domainHrothgar, King of the Danes, who does at least looks a bit like Anthony Hopkins. The pride of his kingdom is his glorious...Photograph: Public domain
meadhall, which resounds to the sounds of music and revelry on a nightly basis. Or at least it did until the monster... Photograph: Public domainGrendel got rather upset that everyone was having fun without him, and decided to gatecrash. Unfortunately this hideous 11-foot troll's idea of kicking back involves biting people's heads off and screaming a lot in old English. Hrothgar is in need of a hero, and that's where Beowulf comes in. The great Geat (Swede) arrives in a blaze of glory, boasting that he will take on the monster without a weapon. But the rug is cut from under him somewhat when...Photograph: Public domainUnferth (voiced by a wonderfully sneersome John Malkovich) tells the tale of his failure to win a long distance swimming race at sea. Yes, in the dark ages, Duncan Goodhew would have been king monkey. Not to be put off, Beowulf confronts Grendel and... Photograph: Public domainrips off his arm, following which the hideous thing trots back off to die in the arms of its... Photograph: Public domainmother, voiced by Angelina Jolie. Wonder why she looks exactly like Jolie would if Jolie had a lizard tail and perma-fixed high-heel trotter-shoes, when nearly everyone else looks nothing like themselves. Probably something to do with the naked scenes, we imagine. Photograph: Public domainBeowulf follows him to her lair. We won't ruin it for you by revealing the outcome of their 'battle' but suffice to say, our hero survives to fight another day, and indeed another monster, in the shape of a bloody great...Photograph: Public domaindragon. So there you have it: taking on trolls, nubile lizard women and giant fire-breathing monsters; it's all in a lifetime's work for...Photograph: Public domain
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