“Who is still together from Love is Blind season 4?” might be the question on your mind since watching the first half of this explosive new season.
From the moment the prospective couples meet in the pods to their first glimpse of each other, many of us can’t help looking ahead to the Love is Blind finale episodes to learn if the romances will stand the test of time. There are several couples who are still married from Love is Blind as well as multiple divorces and who could forget some of those wedding ceremonies that ended with one of them calling the whole thing off. Following hot on the heels of the drama in Love is Blind season 3, the latest season is - if anything - more dramatic.
Here we reveal all we know so far about who is still together from Love is Blind season 4 and what has been hinted at ahead of the final episodes…
*Warning: Spoilers ahead*

Are Zack and Irina still together?
Ever since Zack and Irina set eyes on each other and their shockingly awkward first meeting (no hugs, no kisses) it’s no surprise that many people have been wondering if Irina and Zack from Love is Blind season 4 are still together. Ordinarily, we would have to wait until the next lot of episodes drop on March 31st to find out whether they are still together by the end but thanks to episode 5 we already have an answer. Zack and Irina aren’t still together in Love is Blind season 4 and they broke it off in typically surprising style in episode 5.

Talking once again across their bed sitting as far away from each other as possible Irina told Zack that she thought it would be better if they didn’t sit next to each other on the plane home. This followed a conversation earlier in the day where Zack had asked what they were doing and whether they could work through their issues, suspecting he wasn’t Irina’s type.
After Irina’s statement about the plane, Zack declared, “I think we’re on the same page. I think we should call it. I don’t think it’s going to work out.”
He described the past week as “horrible” and Irina admitted, “Like, you got the worst part. This is like…I’ve never made anyone feel this way. I’m literally treating you so poorly. Like I know it. Like, I won’t even look at you, like touch you.”

Lack of chemistry or physical attraction from Irina’s side towards Zack had been a recurring theme for the Love is Blind season 4 couple after they left the pods. During their break-up conversation Irina said she didn’t “regret” picking Zack but also confessed to having an amazing conversation with her best friend Micah’s fiancé Paul and how it made her question why she hadn’t had that with Zack.
Things ended relatively amicably between Zack and Irina after they got everything off their chests. Irina even told Zack she hoped he’d have a chance to see Bliss (who he almost picked in the pods) when he got back to Seattle. This actually came to pass at the end of the episode ahead of the credits when Bliss arrived at a diner to meet with Zack outside the pods for the first time.
Are Kwame and Chelsea still together?
As far as the episodes that have aired so far are concerned, Kwame and Chelsea are still together in Love is Blind season 4. In real-life ahead of the final episodes contestants keep things pretty subtle so as not to spoil the show but the signs perhaps aren’t good. Kwame doesn’t have any pictures of Chelsea on his Instagram but then Chelsea doesn’t have any of him either. Chelsea is following many of her women cast mates including Irina, Bliss and Tiffany on Instagram, but doesn’t appear to be following her Love is Blind beau.

Kwame doesn’t look to be following Chelsea back either, though he’s following Irina, Marshall and Zack. Notably, he’s also following Micah and whilst he and Chelsea might just be keeping things low-key until the season is over their social media distance could be a sign that they’re not going to say, “I do”. When Love is Blind season 4 first started Kwame was head over heels for Micah in the pods and was devastated when she said she thought they should pursue other connections.
Micah ended up accepting Paul’s proposal (after he picked her over Amber) and Kwame had a blossoming connection with Chelsea and proposed to her. He and Chelsea seemed made for each other but things got a little rocky when the couples socialized together for the first time outside the pods.

Micah and Kwame had a long conversation together that started after Micah had proposed to take a shot with the cheers, “To a failed proposal”. Kwame hadn’t technically proposed to her and he was deeply hurt. The pair then had a conversation by the pool with a lot of deep looks into each other’s eyes and talking about how much they care for each other and how real their pod connection was. Paul was nowhere to be seen at this point but Chelsea noticed and was upset about how lengthy the conversation was and how immersed in each other’s worlds they looked.
She and Kwame later discussed it and she eloquently explained why she felt that talk was unnecessary and wanted him to move on. He agreed and all seemed fine, though the preview for the last few episodes teased more drama.

Micah is seen telling Kwame, “I think about you, I worry about you, I’m hoping that you’re happy” as he responds, “do you think that you made the right choice?”
She smiles and asks, “Are you questioning?” and Kwame gives a short laugh, but doesn’t answer. Only time will tell whether this turns out to be nothing or whether he and Chelsea decide not to marry.
Are Brett and Tiffany still together?
Brett and Tiffany look like one of the strongest couples who could still be together from Love is Blind season 4 and have consistently appeared to be the couple on the same page the most. In real-life it’s currently looking likely that they are still together as both follow each other on Instagram. Brett’s last grid post is also a picture of the moment he saw Tiffany outside of the pods for the first time and was overwhelmed with happiness which couldn’t be more adorable.

The only really dramatic moment which perhaps got people wondering if they would go the distance came when they were still in the pods. Brett was pouring his heart out to Tiffany, not realizing that she’d fallen asleep on the sofa in her pod and couldn’t hear a word. Thinking she’d walked out mid-conversation Brett left his own pod and the other women came in to wake Tiffany up and broke the news that Brett was gone and the date was over.
Tiffany had feared that he wouldn’t show up to their next date but he did and after hearing what happened he forgave her. Since then they’ve been closer than ever and seem to be the most solid couple outside the Love is Blind pods. So much so that Kwame even brought them up when he and his fiancée Chelsea were talking about who they think will make it.

“Brett and Tiff, I think they’re gonna survive. I just have so much hope in them. My goodness if Brett and Tiff don’t make it, it will eat me alive,” Kwame declared.
So it seems like they’ve got the cast members’ seal of approval but once again whilst the signs look good, we’ll only know if Brett and Tiffany got married after the new episodes drop.
Are Micah and Paul still together?
Micah and Paul don’t have any pictures together on their grids but they are still following each other on Instagram, just like Brett and Tiffany. After they came out of the pods Micah and Paul seemed pretty happy together, though if Micah’s conversation with Kwame upset Chelsea it’s possible deep down Paul was a little unsure about this too. He also had a conversation with Irina which she later described to Zack as being so great she realized it was strange she hadn’t had one of those with him.

In the preview of the next episodes Irina is seen telling Micah about how she instantly found Paul more attractive than Zach. This led Micah to question her friend about whether she had any lingering feelings for her fiancé. Meanwhile, what appears to be Micah’s friend is seen telling her that she’s “meant to have the best wedding” of her life before exclaiming tearfully, “This isn’t it!”
Micah also tells Paul that she’d had doubts put in her head about where they were at, which he seems very shocked by. There’s also her conversation with Kwame about whether he’s questioning choosing Chelsea to come in the next lot of episodes. Given they’re still following each other, either any potential doubts from Micah and Paul might have been put behind them making them a couple who is still together from Love is Blind season 4.
Are Marshall and Jackie still together?
In terms of who is still together from Love is Blind season 4 Marshall and Jackie seemed pretty loved-up in the pods but there has already been an emotional moment as they anticipated their return to real life outside the experiment. Jackie broke down in tears, seemingly afraid worried about how Marshall was going to fit into her life and with family.
He in turn reassured her that he was there for her and remained solidly by her side and supportive as she cried. Outside of this moment they’ve been generally pretty happy together although in real-life whilst Marshall still follows Jackie on Instagram, she doesn’t follow him.

In the teaser for the remaining Love is Blind season 4 episodes the pair are seen talking to each other in what appears to be some kind of argument.
“You didn’t wanna sit here and talk. You’re like, ‘I’m leaving!’” Jackie says as Marshall replies, “What else am I supposed to do? Sit in my feelings and sleep next to someone who said I was not man enough for this?”
Exactly what the cause of this disagreement is will soon be revealed and as Marshall still follows Jackie perhaps this is really just a small moment and the couple are still building a relationship.
Love is Blind is available to watch via Netflix, with new episodes coming Friday, March 31st.