So far, things have been pretty tame at the luxe White Lotus Resort. However, tensions building everywhere and a foreboding future, there’s drama on the Sicilian horizon. Will the vacationers give in to temptation in White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3? The next installment certainly promises some scandal.
Ahead, everything you need to know about The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3, including its release time, a preview, and a recap of what happened in Episode 2.
When is The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3 release date?
The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3 will land on HBO and HBO Max on Sunday, November 13, 2022.
What is The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3’s release time?
The White Lotus airs at 9 p.m. Eastern on HBO and HBO Max each Sunday.
How many episodes are left in The White Lotus Season 2?

This season of The White Lotus features a run of seven episodes from start to finish. After this week, there will be four remaining episodes in Season 2.
What is the plot of The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3?
White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3, “Bull Elephants,” will see Daphne and Harper travel outside of the resort on an excursion without their husbands, leaving Cameron and Ethan together with some unsupervised bro time back at the White Lotus. Hanging out with the local Sicilians, Lucia and Mia, for the night, will Ethan give in to Cameron’s wild party-boy antics? Meanwhile, Tanya pays a visit to a local psychic to get some clarity on what’s going on with her husband.
Who is in The White Lotus Season 2’s cast?

In Season 2 of The White Lotus, Jennifer Coolidge and Jon Gries return to the series as the now-married but quarreling couple Tanya and Greg.
For the cast newcomers, starring as the two pairs of married couples on a prolonged awkward double date vacation in Sicily are Aubrey Plaza and Will Sharpe as Harper and Ethan Spiller, and Meghann Fahey and Theo James as Daphne and Cameron Babcock. F. Murray Abraham, Michael Imperioli, and Adam DiMarco portray the three-generation trio of Di Grasso men, Bert, Dominic, and Albie Di Grasso. Haley Lu Richardson stars as Tanya’s assistant, Portia. Tom Hollander is set to appear as a character named Quentin, as well as Leo Woodall as a yet-to-be-named mystery guest.
As for the local Italian characters, Sabrina Impacciatore stars as the resort manager, Valentina, and Simona Tabasco and Beatrice Grannò play local young women Lucia and Mia.
Is there a The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 3 trailer?
Yes, HBO released a short preview for Episode 3, showing all sorts of chaos coming for the Italian island. Tanya turns to tarot cards ask some questions about her relationship with Greg — and the psychic doesn’t exactly tell Tanya what she wants to hear. Bert confronts Dom about the girls visiting his room at night, which he, of course, denies. On their girls' trip sipping Aperol and wine, Harper is seen worrying about the boys and Daphne flirts with some young men nearby. Back at the resort, Cameron and Ethan share a substance-fueled night of debauchery with Mia and Lucia. And Portia is bored by Albie’s nice guy temperament, but a mystery poolside shirtless man seems to draw her attention.
Let the messiness ensue!
What happened in The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 2?

Season 2 Episode 2 of The White Lotus, titled “Italian Dream,” begins with Ethan getting up at the crack of dawn to go for a run, leaving Harper to wake up alone in bed. She grabs breakfast with Daphne and Cameron, who mention that they never fight as a couple, which Harper finds incredulous. Heading back to her room, Harper walks in on Ethan pleasuring himself.
Portia joins the Di Grasso men as they sightsee around town for the day. Before joining them, Dominic gives the local Sicilian girls, Lucia and Mia, access to his room to resort manager Valentina’s dismay. The young women spend the day splurging on clothes and cocktails, charging everything to Dom’s room. Back with the family, Bert is mad that the women of the family aren’t with them for the vacation and tries to bring up his son’s infidelity, but Dom (clearly hungover) wants none of that discussion.
At the beach, Cameron bluntly asks Ethan and Harper how they like being newly rich. Harper says they’re not materialistic people, so not much has changed, except for their ability to now help people in need. This gets a bit tense as Cameron gets defensive about him and Daphne not being materialistic either. Alone swimming in the sea together, Cameron asks Harper why she doesn’t like them, but she reassures him she does. He says it’s important that she likes him.
Greg lets Tanya choose what they do for the day. She requests her Italian dream, which means spending the day seeing Sicily on a moped. The couple concludes their romantic day at a nice restaurant for dinner. There, Greg tells Tanya he has to go back to Denver for a few days because of his job at the Bureau of Land Management. Tanya is incredibly upset, the two have a big fight, and Tanya storms off. At the same restaurant, Portia and Albie grab dinner together. Albie tells Portia that he is the peacemaker in his family, as well as the nice guy when it comes to dating. Portia, on the other hand, explains how she’s looking for adventure.
At their hotel dinner, Daphne catches Harper and Ethan off guard by asking if they want kids. They say they do and are trying (but not that hard), which leads to an increasingly awkward conversation about the couple’s private life and slightly mismatched preferences. On the topic of parenthood, Cameron and Daphne share a tender moment where they recount the life-threatening emergency C-section Daphne had while giving birth to one of their kids.
Back at the hotel, Portia spills some details about Tanya’s privileged but tragic backstory to Albie, telling him to keep quiet because she’s signed an NDA. Before they part ways, Albie and Portia share an innocent goodnight kiss.
Lucia shows up at Dominic’s door at night, but he tries to turn her away, explaining his sexual addiction problem that he needs to work on. Once Lucia shows Dom that Mia is there, too, he (easily) bends and lets them in, spending the night partying in his suite.
At the end of the episode, Tanya wakes up in the middle of the night to see Greg talking on the phone outside, telling whoever is on the other side of the line that he loves them and that Tanya is clueless.
Will there be a White Lotus Season 3?
There’s no confirmation as of yet from HBO or show creator Mike White about another season of the comedy-drama series, but the odds of a third season happening look pretty good for the Emmy Award-winning show. Plus, White has mentioned he’d be interested to see what happens at other White Lotuses around the world.
But before we get to any new holiday destinations, we have to wait and see what transpires in Italy in The White Lotus Season 2, with episodes releasing every week on Sunday night.