The questions
1 Which animals returned to Devon’s River Otter in 2013?
2 The Chandrasekhar limit relates to the mass of what?
3 Which Nina Simone song was a tribute to the writer Lorraine Hansberry?
4 Which eighth-century dynasty ruled territory from the Pyrenees to Punjab?
5 On Mumsnet, what does AIBU stand for?
6 Which sitcom is set in Joe Biden’s birthplace?
7 Bokmål and Nynorsk are the written forms of which language?
8 Which art critic provoked a protest letter with 35 signatories in 1994?
What links:
9 Yona; Fuzzypeg; Sonic; Stickly-Prickly?
10 Croatia; Belgium; Netherlands; Germany; Germany?
11 The Lady Vanishes; Source Code; Silver Streak; Snowpiercer; The General?
12 Gold (businesses); grey (government); blue (subscribers & previously verified)?
13 Épernay and Reims; Sant Sadurní d’Anoia; Valdobbiadene?
14 Open-face; full hunter; half hunter; double hunter?
15 New Zealand parrot; romaine lettuce; chef Gary; Amadeus director?

The answers
1 Beavers.
2 Star (maximum, theoretically, for a stable white dwarf).
3 To Be Young, Gifted and Black.
4 Umayyad (caliphate).
5 Am I being unreasonable?
6 The Office (US version in Scranton, Pennsylvania).
7 Norwegian.
8 Brian Sewell.
9 Fictional hedgehogs: Watership Down; Little Grey Rabbit; Sega game; Just So stories.
10 Fifa World Cup third-placed teams 2022-2006.
11 Films (largely) set on trains.
12 Twitter account ticks.
13 “Capitals” of sparkling wine areas: champagne; cava; prosecco.
14 Types of pocket watch.
15 Greek island names: kea; cos; Rhodes; Milos (Forman).