The questions
1 The world’s richest person, Bernard Arnault, is head of which company?
2 What disrupted game three of the 1989 World Series in San Francisco?
3 Which period is known as the quattrocento?
4 Who coined the term “birth control” in her magazine The Woman Rebel?
5 Which crustacean forms most of the blue whale’s diet?
6 What was the first subatomic particle to be discovered?
7 Where was the Rif war fought in the 1920s?
8 What does Samuel French specialise in publishing?
What links:
9 Happy Birthday; If I Can Dream; Pride (In the Name of Love); By the Time I Get to Arizona?
10 Bernicia; Deira; Elmet; Hwicce; Lindsey?
11 Power Stairs; Atlas Stones; Bus Pull; Car Deadlift?
12 Bock; Dunkel; Gose; Helles; Kölsch?
13 Essex (3); Cambridgeshire (3); Norfolk (1); Suffolk (0)?
14 Dykh-Tau; Ojos del Salado; Mount Logan; Mount Kenya; K2?
15 Chemistry at Somerville; Geography at St Hugh’s; PPE at Merton?

The answers
1 LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton).
2 Earthquake.
3 15th century.
4 Margaret Sanger.
5 Krill.
6 Electron (JJ Thomson in 1897).
7 Morocco.
8 Plays.
9 Songs inspired by Martin Luther King: Stevie Wonder; Elvis; U2; Public Enemy.
10 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
11 Events in World’s Strongest Man competition.
12 German beer styles.
13 Number of cities, by county, in East Anglia (broadly defined).
14 Second highest peaks: Europe; South America; North America; Africa; Asia.
15 University education of UK’s female PMs (Thatcher, May, Truss): subject and Oxford college.