About 2000 fans converged on Wheeler Place on Wednesday as the Matildas defeated France in a nail-biting World Cup quarter final.
The CBD site will once again welcome fans for this Wednesday's semi-final against England.
In Lake Macquarie, Warners Bay Theatre, baramayiba will host a free, family friendly event. Bookings are required.
Elsewhere in the Hunter, Maitland Regional Sportsground will host a live site screening.
While there won't be many pubs or clubs around town without at least a screen showing the match, here's a list of venues promoting the event.

Albion Hotel, Wickham
FogHorn Brewery, Newcastle
Clarendon Hotel, Newcastle
Bernie's Bar, Newcastle
The Bennett Hotel, Hamilton
The Greenroof, Hamilton
Lowlands Bowling Club, Cooks Hill
Hotel Delany, Cooks Hill
The Grand Hotel, Newcastle
The Shortland Hotel, Shortland
Adamstown Bowling, Adamstown
Bar Beach Bowlo, Bar Beach
Sydney Junction Hotel, Hamilton
Grain Store, Newcastle
The Young Street Hotel, Carrington
Happy Wombat, Newcastle
Lyrique Bar East End, Newcastle
The Argyle House, Newcastle
The Oriental Hotel, Cooks Hill
Criterion Hotel, Carrington
Cricketers Arms Hotel, Cooks Hill
Good Folk Brewing Co, Hamilton
The Great Northern Hotel, Newcastle
The Blackbutt Hotel, Blackbutt

The Lucky Hotel, Newcastle
The Beauford Hotel, Mayfield
Queens Wharf Hotel, Newcastle
The Crown & Anchor Hotel, Newcastle
The Stag & Hunter Hotel, Mayfield
Hotel Jesmond, Jesmond
Alder Park Sports Club, New Lambton
Duke Of Wellington Hotel, New Lambton
The Prince, Merewether
Modus Brewing, Merewether
Nags Head Hotel, Adamstown
Thirsty Messiah, Broadmeadow
The George Tavern, Green Hills
The Commercial Hotel, Morpeth
The Belmore Hotel, Maitland
Edgeworth Bowling Club, Egdeworth
Pippi's at the Point, Speers Point
Gunyah Hotel, Belmont
Wests Cardiff, Cardiff
Caves Coastal, Caves Beach
Toronto Workers Club, Toronto
Pelican RSL, Pelican
Belmont 16s, Belmont
Valentine Bowling Club, Valentine
Swansea RSL, Swansea
Warners at the Bay, Warners Bay
Belmont 16s, Belmont
The Corner at Charlestown Square, Charlestown
Lake Macquarie Yacht Club, Belmont
Lake Macquarie Tavern, Mount Hutton
Argenton Hotel, Argenton
Edgeworth Tavern, Egdeworth
Lake Macquarie Hotel-Motel, Morisset
Jewells Tavern, Jewells
Kahibah Sports Club, Kahibah
Gateshead Tavern, Gateshead
Would you like your venue to be added to the list? Email news@newcastleherald.com.au