We know money doesn't grow on trees, but putting a money tree in the wealth corner of your home can help welcome fortune into your life according to the principles of Feng Shui. And we're all for a little manifesting when it comes to working towards a pay rise.
Your wealth corner sits in the far left corner of a room from the entry point, and Feng Shui experts say we should be utilising this corner for an abundance of good fortune. Positioning your sofa in your wealth corner is one way to encourage prosperity, but if you don’t have the space to move it, a humble house plant can do the same job.
Selecting plants that represent vitality and growth - such as a money plant - should be placed in the far left corner of your room if you want to welcome wealth and prosperity to your home this year.
Why you should place a money plant in your wealth corner
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging your home to achieve balance and harmony. The principle suggests houseplants can bring your luck, happiness and positivity - and to be honest, we’ll take all the good vibes we can get!
There are already plenty of plants you can position in your home for improve the flow of energy, such as where you should position a jade plant or a monstera. But if it’s wealth and prosperity you want, then you need to utilise your wealth corner.

‘Houseplants are effective in the wealth corner because they represent growth, life, and positive energy. They help to enhance the flow of chi (positive energy) in your home, making it a harmonious and prosperous environment where you can truly relax and feel comfortable,’ says Sam Tamlyn, Interior Expert and Managing Director of Shutterly Fabulous.
‘Having houseplants that are healthy and thriving further strengthens the symbolism of continuous growth and abundance, reinforcing the hope of attracting wealth and prosperity, as the plants are stronger and healthier.’
What are the best house plants to place in a wealth corner?
Now if you want to use a house plant in your money corner, it’s important you choose the right one.

‘The Money Tree (Pachira aquatica) is one of the most popular Feng Shui plants for wealth. Its braided trunk is said to trap and hold financial fortune, while its green leaves represent growth and abundance,’ explains a spokesperson of Beards & Daisies.
‘Another great choice is the Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides) - also known as the 'money plant' due to its coin-shaped leaves, which symbolise prosperity.’
Sam also recommends a Jade plant due to its coin-shaped leaves, or of course, bamboo symbolises luck - but Sam says to tie it with a red ribbon to encourage prosperity. You could also use decorative plant pots with gold or red accents to further welcome wealth and prosperity.
However, if your plant dies, you need to move it out of your wealth corner and replace it.
This is one of the most popualr plants for wealth - it's braided trunk is said to trap fortune.
Will you be utilising your wealth corner this year?