This week’s Fortnite challenges are live.
Season 6, Week 4′s challenges are quite a grab bag of different tasks, from shooting galleries to doorbell ringing.
One of the most unique challenges this week is a multi-stage challenge that begins with dancing on top of a Clock Tower.
This challenge is worth 1 battle star per stage, for a total of just 3 battle stars in all. Still, it’s an easy challenge to complete if you know where to look.
The full challenge is:
- Stage 1: Dance on top of a Clock Tower
- Stage 2: Dance on top of a Pink Tree
- Stage 3: Dance on top of a Giant Porcelain Throne
Here’s a map with each location:

The first can be found at the giant clock tower in Tilted Towers:

The Pink Tree can be found in the center of Lucky Landing:

And finally, the Giant Porcelain Throne is the toilet in Flush Factory:

Once you’ve completed this challenge, and all the other Week 4 challenges, you’ll get the hidden loading screen. Read about where to find its hidden prize here.
Good luck with these challenges and may the odds be ever in your favor!