The majestic-looking, purple-blooming wisteria is known for decorating house fronts and gardens all across the UK. So if you feel jealous when seeing these big and beautiful plants and are looking to plant one by your own home, you should consider when to plant wisteria for the best possible end results.
Being one of the plants that increase property value, wisteria is unsurprisingly very high in demand. But you can’t just pop it in the ground whenever you feel like. The timing must be chosen carefully in order for the plant to develop a healthy root system. And from there, it will shoot right up in the growing season as wisteria is known for its rapid growth.
But to make the decision of when to plant your wisteria easier on you, we’ve consulted our gardening experts to give us the low-down on the best possible planting times of the year and what makes the conditions so ideal.

When to plant wisteria
Similarly to knowing how to prune wisteria, getting the timing of when to plant wisteria is a key step in its care. And the first one you will take.
‘The best time for planting Wisteria is spring or autumn,’ reveals Steve Chilton, garden expert at LeisureBench. ‘This allows them to develop a good root system before the cold weather in winter and the growth period of summer.’
But if you’ve figured out how to grow wisteria in pots, then you might already know that you can plant it pretty much anytime of the year.
‘Container-grown wisterias can be planted any time of the year but they are easier to care for in autumn or winter. When you do that, plant them in fertile, well-drained soil,’ says Petar Ivanov, Fantastic Gardeners' gardening and plant expert.

Where to buy a wisteria plant
Do you plant wisteria in pots or ground?
You can plant your wisteria plant either in the ground if it is the right time of year or in a pot to begin with. Just keep in mind it’s likely going to outgrow its pot rather quickly.
‘Wisteria is typically planted in the ground as it is a large, long-living and generally invasive plant. It can have really extensive root systems and will probably outgrow a pot pretty quickly. A well-prepared and adequately sized hole with good drainage is recommended for planting in the ground,’ Steve says.

Can I plant wisteria next to my house?
When choosing the spot where you’re going to plant your wisteria, you need to be careful and consider its expansive nature.
‘Ideally, both native and introduced wisterias should not be planted close to foundations or septic lines,’ Petar warns. ‘The roots of the wisteria are as aggressive as their tops and can cause expensive damage to anything below ground.’
Steve adds, ‘I recommend providing a bit of space in between your house and the Wisteria, or provide it with a high, sturdy trellis that it can be trained to grow on without getting out of control.’
How many years does it take for wisteria to flower?
Wisteria is a rapidly growing plant that is likely to grow a few metres high in its first growing season. However, it can take a lot longer for it to start flowering.
‘The onset of its flowering can vary. It could take several years for Wisteria to properly mature and produce flowers, sometimes ranging from 3 to 7 years after planting. Factors such as the age of the plant at the time of purchase or planting, growing conditions, and overall health can influence when it'll likely start to flower,’ Steve explains.

We all love that beautiful Bridgerton wisteria look, but just be patient and give your wisteria plant to mature before giving you beautiful blooms for years to come.