The summer solstice is an event that occurs in the Northern Hemisphere in June every year and marks the day of the year which will experience the most sunlight.
Additionally, the number of hours of night will be at their minimum on this day.
As stated on the Royal Museums Greenwich website, while most people consider the summer solstice to be a day, it is in reality an exact moment in time that falls upon that day.
This moment comes when whichever hemisphere you're in is most tilted towards the Sun.

Why do solstices happen?
Solstices occur due to the Earth rotating on its axis, producing the day and night cycle, whilst it also orbits around the Sun.
Royal Museums Greenwich stateS: "However, the axis of rotation of the Earth is not lined up with the axis of motion around the Sun. Instead, it is tilted slightly at 23.44°.1
"This tilt means that during one half of the year the North side of the Earth is tilted slightly towards the Sun and the South is tilted away. For the other half of the year the reverse is true.
"At the exact moment that the northern hemisphere is most tilted towards the Sun, the northern hemisphere experiences its summer solstice. The southern hemisphere, by contrast, has its winter solstice."
When is the Summer Solstice 2022 in the UK?
According to Royal Museums Greenwich the summer solstice will occur on Tuesday, June 21 at 10.13am BST.