Actor, director and producer Satish Kaushik’s sudden demise has come as a shock for the entire film industry. For Aniruddh Dave this is a personal loss. Aniruddh who shared a close bond with Kaushik and had worked with him in the Haryanvi film, Chhoriyan Chhoron Se Kam Nahi Hoti, is in “complete shock.” Aniruddh got to know about Kaushik’s demise through Anupam Kher’s tweet. “I checked my mobile in the morning and was shocked to know about Satishji’s demise. My day started with such a bad news. His death feels like a personal loss. I don’t know how I’m going to accept the fact that I’m not going to see Satish Sir again! He used to be one of my favourite people,” says Aniruddh, speaking to us from Kaushik’s Mumbai residence.
With a heavy heart, Aniruddh shares, “I met him a day before Holi on March 6. I couldn’t imagine that it will be my last meeting with him. He looked all hale and hearty and greeted me with his signature smile. For the entire film industry, he was a great actor, director, producer, but for me he was a great man. Satish Sir was so humble and grounded, he was a mentor and guide to me. I have very people in my life who have supported me in my acting career and he contributed to my career in a significant manner.”
In 2021 when Aniruddh was in ICU due to COVID, battling for life, Satish used to boost his morale with his messages. Says Aniruddh, “I was going through the toughest phase of my life back in 2021 and Satish Sir used to regularly enquire about my wellbeing. He even informed me about our film Chhoriyan Chhoron Se Kam Nahi Hoti getting the National Award. He wrote a beautiful message, ‘Tu jaldi se theek hokar wapas aa jaa, humein National Award lene saath jana hai.’ His words used to give me so much happiness and positive energy.” Aniruddh has worked in various projects with Satish Kaushik and had recently wrapped up Kaagaz 2 with him. “We had just wrapped up the shoot of Kaagaz 2 and were about to start another project t together,” he says.