WhatsApp's long-awaited dark mode feature is at last available for users of the popular messaging app, but only for some.
Beta users with the 2.20.13 Android version of the app have access to the new Dark Theme, which is designed to make it easier to view messages in low-light conditions and conserve phone battery.
Website WaBetaInfo, which tracks the latest updates of WhatsApp, revealed the new feature is rolling out through the Google Play Beta Program.
Users have the option to switch between the usual Light Theme and the new Dark Theme, as well as choose 'Set by Battery Saver' within the app's settings for it to be dictated by Android's adjustable dark mode.
Various shades of grey are employed to darken the app's appearance, while chat bubbles appear as dark green.
WhatsApp is yet to announce an official release date of the Dark Theme for all Android users and does not comment on unreleased features of its app.
Its release for the early beta version of the app means it will likely be introduced to in the coming weeks once any bugs are fixed.
"WhatsApp is continuing to work on the Dark Theme, improving the last details before the release," the site explained.
There is no word on when the Dark Theme will be introduced for iPhone users running the iOS version of the app.
Dark modes for apps have become increasingly popular in recent years, with Gmail, Reddit and YouTube all releasing their own versions.
It is not clear why it has taken WhatsApp so long to develop the highly-anticipated feature, especially considering other Facebook-owned apps like Instagram and Messenger already support it.