Christmas might be over, but if you're attached to your poinsettia, you don't have to say goodbye to it just yet. In fact, if you know what to do with a poinsettia after Christmas, it could make it through to next December.
That's right – if you're wondering how long a poinsettia lasts, it has a greater potential lifespan than you'd think. As long as you know how to care for poinsettias and what to do with a poinsettia after Christmas, you'll be well on your way to a fresh round of blooms and signature red bracts next winter.
Welcoming the new year, Monty and other plant pros have shared their poinsettia care tips to keep your plant healthy until next Christmas.
What to do with a poinsettia after Christmas
The UK climate isn't exactly ideal for poinsettias, which are tropical plants at heart. But if you choose the right room and environment for your plant (which will help you avoid a range of winter houseplant problems) then half of the work of keeping it alive is already done.
With that in mind, we've put together a guide on what to do with a poinsettia after Christmas, from choosing the best location to nailing its watering and feeding regime.
What you'll need
1. Location
First of all, you'll need to think about the best place to keep your poinsettia throughout the year.
‘Poinsettias are only really comfortable in damp warmth,’ explains Monty Don on his popular gardening blog. ‘They do not like cool nights, very hot dry rooms or big fluctuations in temperatures, so keep them where there is a constant average temperature, avoiding draughts, cold windows or even very bright spots that can get very hot in the middle of the day.’
2. Watering
Watering correctly is crucial if you want your poinsettia plant to survive. The last thing you need is to learn how to save an overwatered plant!
'Water when the soil feels dry, but avoid letting it sit in water!' advises Jo Lambell, founder of Beards & Daisies.
Monty Don also shared some poinsettia watering wisdom on his blog. ‘[Stand] the pot in a sink full of water and [leave] it to stand for 10 minutes or so before letting the excess water drain from the pot,' he said.
Excess water can lead to root rot, so make sure you don't overdo it.
3. Feeding
In order to boost your plant’s health and growth, it’s recommended to treat it to some fertiliser in the spring and summer months.
'If you're planning on keeping your poinsettia for the long-term, which you should, then fertilising the plant monthly using a balanced household fertiliser is a must,' says Elise Harlock of Prestige Flowers.
4. Pruning
You'll need to prune your plant back in late spring to encourage a burst of fresh growth later in the year.
'Cut the plant back to about 4-6 inches above the soil to encourage new growth,' advises Jo.
This should promote healthy growth for a plant that bounces back ahead of next Christmas.
How do you get a poinsettia plant to rebloom next year?
For your poinsettia to grow those beautiful, vibrant bracts and delicate blooms in time for next Christmas, the plant requires a period of darkness.
'To get the plant to bloom again, you need to give it 12-14 hours of complete darkness each night starting in late September for about 8-10 weeks,' explains Jo from Beards & Daisies.
If you’re not feeling up for all-year-round poinsettia care, then there are other ways you can utilise those pretty bracts. You can use them as cut stems for flower arrangements or even repurpose them for potpourri.