Adders are the UK's only venomous snake and while it doesn't usually cause many issues, the number of sightings appears to have increased in recent weeks.
One adder estimated to be 'three feet long' was spotted by a woman and her partner on a 'stroll' along a beach in England. Meanwhile, the most recent sighting was reported at Middle Beach, near Old Harry Rocks in Dorset, Somerset Live reports.
Debbie Lee was having a lovely stroll outside when she came across the camouflaged viper. She said: "We were walking down the path towards the beach and my partner noticed something move in front of us. The adder was already in the middle of the path.
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"I approached it slowly and started taking some random snaps as it was very sunny and I wasn’t sure if I had caught it on camera. The snake then disappeared into the bushes.
"Luckily when we got home and looked back at the pics we had quite a clear photo. It was about three feet long!"

Earlier this month, adders had been sighted across Devon with one snake being spotted "sunbathing" on Dartmoor by a walker who managed to capture it on film.
Everything you need to know about adders
According to the RSPCA, the adder is Britain's only venomous native snake but its venom is not very potent.
It adds: “If you are bitten however, keep the bitten limb still and get to the nearest A&E as soon as you can. If a person who has been bitten loses consciousness (some are particularly sensitive to snake bites, as with bee stings), call an ambulance.
“Adder bites can be extremely dangerous to pets (particularly if the animal is bitten on the face), causing swelling, bleeding or fever. Dogs walked in adder habitats during spring and summer are more at risk.
“Animals with suspected adder bites should be kept as quiet and calm as possible, and examined urgently by a vet.”

The Wildlife Trusts states: “Our only venomous snake, the shy adder can be spotted basking in the sunshine in woodland glades and on heathlands.
"An adder bite is a very rare occurrence, and can be painful, but is almost never fatal.”
It adds: “Adders are secretive animals and prefer to slither off into the undergrowth than confront and bite humans and domestic animals; most attacks happen when they are trodden on or picked up.
“Instead, they use their venom to immobilise and kill their prey of small mammals, nestlings and lizards.”
What to do if you get bitten by an adder
The NHS notes that snake bites are not that serious in the UK. Despite this it is important to get a snake bite looked at by a doctor or otherwise call 999 or go to A&E if you believe you have been bitten by a snake.
What to do while you're waiting for help
- stay calm, most snake bites in the UK are not serious and can be treated
- keep the part of your body that was bitten as still as you can
- lie in the recovery position if you can
- take paracetamol for any pain
- try to remember the colour and pattern of the snake to tell the doctor
- take off any jewellery and loosen clothes near the bite, in case it swells
- do not go near the snake, or try to catch or kill it
- do not try to suck or cut the venom out of the bite
- do not tie anything tightly round the part of the body where the bite is
- do not take aspirin or ibuprofen, as they can make bleeding worse
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