A variety of political stories are jostling for centre stage on the front pages of Sunday’s newspapers.
The Observer reports on a “shocking increase” in the number of vulnerable children being left in illegal accommodation by the state.
OBSERVER: Fears grow over children at risk placed in illegal care homes #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/pX4vbhbQtn
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) November 16, 2024
The Sunday Express claims up to a million pensioners will miss out on help with winter fuel bills as colder weather sweeps across Britain.
Front page of tomorrow’s paper, produced by a small but hard-working and dedicated team: Now it’s winter fuel payment delays for those who should still get it; an exclusive with the Prime Minister; the latest from I’m a Celeb. #tomorrowspaperstoday pic.twitter.com/gCF86XCh4c
— David Wooding (@DavidWooding) November 16, 2024
The Sunday Mirror splashes on Labour’s plans for a £1 billion boost for buses due to be announced this weekend.
SUNDAY MIRROR: £1bn boost for buses #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/cou64Ks4SY
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) November 16, 2024
Government ministers are preparing to strike “Italy-style deals” with several countries in a bid to keep up with the influx of migrants, The Sunday Times reports.
SUNDAY TIMES: Labour plans Meloni-style migrant deals #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/df6v8BVJoU
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) November 16, 2024
The Mail on Sunday touts an exclusive accusing Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer of “hypocrisy” after it was disclosed the UK sent 470 delegates to the UN Climate Summit in Azerbaijan, leaving a “massive carbon footprint”.
MAIL ON SUNDAY: Call that Net Zero, Sir Keir! #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/AJxCe9PTES
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) November 16, 2024
William Hague has criticised Peter Mandelson’s bid to become the UK’s new envoy to the US while also jostling for a top job in the British university sector, according to the Independent.
INDEPENDENT: William Hague hits out at ‘two jobs’ rival Peter Mandelson #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/l3UDUQagiz
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) November 16, 2024
The Sunday Telegraph leads on writer Julie Bindel saying police went to her home to tell her that her social media posts were being investigated as a “hate crime”.
The front page of tomorrow's Daily Telegraph:
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) November 16, 2024
'I too had visit from police over tweet, says writer'#TomorrowsPapersToday
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The Daily Star Sunday splashes a health condition reportedly caused by using phones while on the toilet.
STAR: I’m afraid you have a serious case of Bog Bum #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/9vQzvz4apY
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) November 16, 2024