I've watched this video at least 10 times through at this point, and I still don't understand anything going on.
According to the description, it's of a recently held military parade in India. And, you know, you'd think it be of drones and tanks and other military-industrial complex-type hardware. I expected something like the fully-armed and dangerous motorcycle technicals you see all across the world. You'd think a nation would want to show off just how freakin' hard its trained operatives were.
Instead, we are treated to what appears to be a scene straight out of Charlie Sheens' iconic "Hot Shots! Part Deux" screwball comedy. I mean, is this supposed to strike fear in India's foes' hearts? I'm certainly not shaking in my boots.
Indian military parade
byu/WilloowUfgood infunny
I'm still perplexed as to what even is going on here. Like, there's some seriously staggering athleticism being displayed. I know I couldn't ride a motorcycle with this many people wiggling around, doing handstands, splits, waving AK-47s, and twirling (so much twirling). I'd have crashed ten times just trying to get going.
But why do any of this? I just don't get it.
At one point, there's like six dudes laying on top of one another just waving their hands like they were birds or something. There's also those folks who are planking atop a pedestal and twirling with binoculars like they were some sort of spinny lookouts or spies. And one guy has a lasso for some unknown reason to science. What in the actual fuck is going on here?!
I'd love to also know how pumped up those tires are to handle the rigors of their payloads. Are they just two seconds away from popping? They have to be, right? They couldn't do it without being pumped up to all hell.
Whatever the hell this all is, I will say that kudos to the riders, those folks have some serious skill behind the bars. As for whoever put this parade together, call me, I'd love to know the reasoning behind all this.