If you're the team in charge of coming up with new paint and graphics for beloved, iconic motorbike models like the Honda Super Cub, it has to be a bit of a challenge. On the one hand, it's the most sold bike of all time, so chances are good someone somewhere will like whatever you come up with. But on the other hand, do you really want to be known as the team that tanked on a bike with this kind of reputation?
Lucky for Cub House Honda, it doesn't seem like they have a whole lot to worry about in that department. This is the new Honda Super Cub C125 colorway that Cub House just announced on its social media channels. While it's super simple, it's also extremely elegant, classy, and timeless.
And the imagery for this launch looks an awful lot like a callback to an iconic Maxell audio cassette ad campaign from the late 1900s. Seriously, look at it.
Will this particular C125 colorway blow you away the same way that Wagner recording did for the Maxell Tape guy? Unlikely. I mean, it's very nice, but still.
The colors used in this design include Ordinary White and Artisan Red on the split saddle (man, do I love that split saddle, aesthetically speaking). And while the still image that Cub House selected to announce this bike calls that Maxell ad to mind, the short video it posted on its Facebook page is a little different.
But maybe it makes another point, and that's that this could be an ideal bike for your next Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, maybe with a Brummell blazer if you're feeling ATGATT but also want to keep it stylish?
It's unclear when or if this stunningly simple (yet effective) colorway might make it to other countries. If and when it does, though, we'll be sure to let you know.
How much do you love this colorway? Or conversely, do you think it's too simple? Let me know in the comments.