It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s also a time when office Christmas parties are happening left and right, and alcohol flows almost freely. And when booze-filled behavior takes over, you can expect an unhinged event to take place.
These responses to a recent Reddit post prove that. One user asked, “What's the craziest thing that has happened at your work Christmas party?” People shared personal accounts of their wildest work party experiences. Some are laughable, while others may induce feelings of second-hand shame.
Enjoy scrolling through these stories, and if you haven’t celebrated your company's Christmas party yet, do so responsibly. This thread should be your cautionary tale.
We played Yankee Swap. Fairly early in the game, one of our older, obnoxious, and rude employees unwrapped a homemade painting and made a joke along the lines of "I didn't realize we were doing gag gifts. I'll definitely try and get someone to take this thing that was probably grabbed out of a dumpster." I could see our very young office intern — who also happened to be one of the kindest and sweetest humans I've ever met — go red in the face, and she was clearly trying hard to hold back tears. Of course, the rude employee was clueless. Needless to say, I stole that painting later in the game and hung it up in my cubicle with pride, where it remained for several years before I changed jobs.

Image credits: hawkssb04
I worked at a large Call Centre, so Christmas parties were based on a team by team basis, so circa 18 people.
This year, ours was held at a local pub /restaurant which specialised as a carvery (in the UK big slabs of beef, turkey or pork etc plus trimmings)
The food came out, and this one very drunk woman, was unimpressed at her 2 slices of beef.
She complained to the staff, but they reiterated, 2 slices of the chosen meat only.
She went back to her table, still grumbling and drank some more.
Eventually she snapped... She went to the counter, picked up the entire roast beef and ran off into the car park with the pub staff in pursuit, leaving the rest of us dumbstruck.
She seemed to be heading for her car, but a few yards outside of the pub, just before being caught by the following pub staff and our manager, the burning hot roast beef, made it's feeling known through her hands and to her brain.
Burned, and defeated, she dropped the beef and fell to the floor... Along with her meaty trophy.
She had burned her palms quite badly, so we had to call an ambulance to take her to hospital.
The night came to a sudden and flat end.
She was released from hospital, and on her return to work was given a final written warning, and asked to reimburse the pub for one, lost roast beef joint.
We had expected her to get sacked, but as was typical for this company, they waited another month and engineered her dismassal for something else.
The whole saga went down in company folklore as 'Beefgate'.

Image credits: robinta
One year I was asked if I'd be willing to dress up as Santa for our Holiday Party. I didn't think I was going to be very convincing but reluctantly agreed. Day of the party were were all hanging out in the warehouse eating cookies and drinking coffee and having breakfast and I told the few people I was sitting with that I had to go outside and make a call. I really went to go change into my Santa costume. I came back yelling Ho Ho Ho as loud as I could, put on my best jolly old man voice, drew names out of hat, handed out prizes, took pictures with staff, ate cookies, then said I had to go as my sleigh was double parked....
Came back in after changing and the amount of people that legitimately thought I missed Santa was very surprising. People I stood next to and took pictures with were telling me how I missed out. Like, grown a*s adults. I couldn't believe it. At first I thought people were just being nice or just joshing me, but throughout the day people kept asking who Santa was and telling me how bummed I must be for missing it. One of the girls finally put two and two together when she asked "weren't you there for breakfast?" and I said yeah I was sitting with so and so and she asked where I went and I said I went outside to take a call and didn't realize I was out there for so long and that by the time I came back in santa was gone and she just gave me suspicious eyes and I winked at her and left it at that.
S**t was crazy.

Image credits: RonsterTM
In the first hour of the party, the CEO grabbed a microphone and lectured us all to not “get wasted and embarrass the company tonight”.
Four hours later, we watched him argue with his pregnant wife about which of them was going to drive since she was stone-cold sober and he was s**t-faced. He got pulled over not 50 feet out of the restaurant parking lot and we all watched him get arrested for DUI while still wearing his blinking Santa hat.

Image credits: woodenman22
Around 11-13 years ago a male colleague showed up to our fancy ball in a dress, long wig, full face of makeup. No one knew if he did drag previously or anything, it was completely out of the blue to us all. He downed many drinks, accused every one of being judgemental about his life choices, picked fights with individuals, and was then found almost passed out in a toilet stall where security was called. He ended up punching on with the security guard and more were called so he was removed from the event kicking and screaming, whipped the wig off his head and then kept whipping the second security guard with it.
It was a lot.
But on the Monday it was even weirder. He was called to the big bosses office and proceeded to say it wasn’t him, he never did drag, he wasn’t even at the party, he’d been at his wife’s work Christmas party on the other side of the city.
Wish I knew what happened but I left that job soon after.

Image credits: amydee4103
OOOH, I have so many! (All different years, some different companies)
1. Urinal torn off the wall.
So many fights, but a few that stand out...
2. Drunk salesguy on the dancefloor runs his mouth about something. COO turns around and asks "I think you need to stop." Salesguy takes a swing at the 6'6" COO. He was not a salesguy the next day.
3. Sales manager followed one of the ladies in sales administration up to their hotel room. Tried to force his way into her room. Had to be pulled off by two other people. Also was not a sales manager the next day.
Back to non-fighting...
4. Guy barfed during the awards presentation. On stage. Not sure if he got to keep his award.
5. Tried to talk a drunk coworker out of telling the CEO his opinion about all the mistakes that he was making. I did not succeed. Had a fun all-department meeting about appropriate decorum at social events the following week.
Corporate America is wild. Remember everyone, Monday comes eventually and you have to see all those people again. Alcohol is your friend until it isn't.

Image credits: kh4yman
My first job was at a shipyard; the Christmas parties were always beer-filled & raucous. During one party, two people who hated each other immensely got stinkin' drunk; one was 5', 160 lbs (call him Small Guy), the other was a 6', 300 lb weight lifter with a very nasty attitude (Big Guy).
Near the end of the Party, Small Guy decides to walk up behind Big Guy and p**s down his leg. Big Guy was totally oblivious to what was happening; and so the p**s was loosed upon him. Their two supervisors and I are having a conversation, which suddenly stops as both of them see what Small Guy is doing. We held our breath to see what Big Guy would do; he was so drunk as to be oblivious to what happened.
The supervisors talk quickly to each other, out of my earshot. Small Guy's supervisor rushes to Small Guy and ushers him out of the room at light-speed. Big Guy's supervisor quietly and surreptitiously spills a beer on the floor and places the bottle at Big Guy's feet. He tells Big Guy he must have spilled a beer on himself that was on a table near where he was standing, and told him to change his clothes (our lockers w/ coveralls were near-by) and he would mop up the mess. Big Guy thanks his supervisor, and goes to change without a question. No one but we three saw what happened, so damage was contained.
When I was leaving, both of the supervisors came over to me, and asked if I had seen what transpired. I told them I had. Both swore me to absolute secrecy, because Big Guy would twist off Small Guy's head, then come after the supervisors. I told them I didn't want him coming after me either - he was a nasty piece of work - so I told them no problem.
All in the same night, one of the guys broke up with one of the girls and she ran out crying, two of the married workers hooked up in the bathroom (they were not married to eachother), one of our guy's wives got extremely drunk and was flirting with EVERYBODY and I managed to win a tablet and $100 in amazon gift cards.

Image credits: Brutus_the_Bear_55
President of the company pulled a “don’t you know who I am?” When a girl rejected his advances asking to dance. She walked over to the head of HR (who was also at the party) and explained what happened. Head of HR said she was going to arrange a meeting Monday morning. President stepped outside and shot himself in his car.

Image credits: The-schnarg
Guy who was normally really nice always turned into a mean drunk and had too many. Insulted one of the older sales reps to his face in front of his wife. We were a very button down group and this went over very badly.
Monday morning he's sitting in my office despite not reporting to me ashamed as hell and I'm giving him the Dutch uncle advice because his whole management chain is pissed at him.
Basically told him he was a mean little drunk and that I advised he give up drinking because I had never seen such a Jekyll and Hyde transformation. Told him he needed to go apologize to everyone and mean it and especially the rep.
He didn't get fired but it was a close thing.

Image credits: mtcwby
I won $1000 in a charity 50/50 draw we did a few years back.
That covered my bar bill, and hotel costs (since the party was some distance from where I actually live). Plus prob paid off most of my Xmas shopping.
Huge win.

Image credits: saskford
Our very drunk, very white CFO walked up to the only black man in the company, clapped him on the back and exclaimed "Billy! My n***a!".

Image credits: Empkat
The assistant manager had a few and she did a strip tease to the Shrek soundtrack.

Image credits: cyrus_hunter
Wall Street in the early 2000s. A banker bit another banker’s ear off over a love triangle with a coworker.

Image credits: 917caitlin
I met my future boss while photocopying my a*s. Said boss later made out with intern. Someone else broke the photocopier while copying own a*s and was badly cut.

Image credits: rustyiron
Small office Christmas party at the owner's house. Party was going normally, everybody was drinking and having a good time. At some point some of the office girls start dancing and the owner, just some middle aged schlub, gets a boner watching the festivities. His wife notices and loses it and sends everyone home. 10/10 would party again.

Image credits: WisestCracker
Used to work in IT for a mid sized UK law firm - company went all out and hired a fancy hotel for our Xmas do. Pre-dinner drinks are happening and some of the trainees had decided pre-pre-dinner drinks were a good idea. That idea proved to be a bad choice when a trainee threw up in the lap of the MANAGING PARTNERS WIFE before we'd even been shown into the dinning room.

Image credits: bedwelld
Small company, one of the sales knobs got really s**t faced and starting hitting on the CFO's wife. Plot twist all three went back to their hotel room together. The rumors about that were still swirling around when I let 2 years later.

Image credits: dazcon5
Posted this about a month ago when this was last asked…
There was a guy who was known for being “handsy” at the Christmas party, and the mental thing was he’d been doing it for so long it was just kind of accepted and expected by most of the women in the company that they would get felt up on the dance floor by him. Any woman who did object to it would almost get shouted down by others, and if anyone tried to say “hey, this is all a bit weird” they be told it was all fine.
One year the party was in a place with other companies and he was doing his normal stuff and he full-on groped a woman from another company mistaking her for someone else. The whole place went mental.
There were women from my company properly screaming at the woman who was groped for having the audacity to be a bit upset that this random guy had grabbed her tits. Then some guys were getting involved and defending him too because some guys from the other company were willing to kick the s**t out of him. It was like a lot of people collectively lost their f*****g minds.
The outcome was handsy-guy got arrested, charged and ended up in court and fined. He probably ended up on the sex offenders register too but I can’t remember if that was the case. He resigned too presumably before he was sacked.
The cherry on the cake of this being absolutely mental was I heard people saying how much they missed him at the next years party!
Fist fight over someone winning a 32" flat screen tv. This was back in like 2006 or 2007. Our company never held a Christmas party again after that.

Image credits: Depressed_Overeater
Owner jumped on the bar of our brewery and took her top off, dancing to ICP. Later banged two guys in the back office while her husband played Jenga and nursed his vape.

Image credits: Purple-Carpenter-365
Sales guy brought a girl he met on tinder. First date, never met her before. Tue party was at a pretty nice venue. She got absolutely wasted, threw up all over the bathroom, and had to be carried out of the venue.

Image credits: DroopyMcCool
Company used to rent a hotel ballroom for big christmas party for all 400 employees that cared to attend (and even subsidized hotel rooms in case of drinking). HR Director got shitfaced drunk, took off her panties and started twerking/humping random male employees on the dance floor (in front of their partners). Two HR people came out and tried to get her under control, but were also shitfaced. All three ended up literally rolling around on the floor laughing and fighting anyone who tried to get them up and to a room to calm down. Then the vomiting started.
We haven't had a christmas party since.
One of the company executives ending up kissing a member of his sales team. While he was kissing her, another woman who was also in his team, grabbed the girl off of him (because she clearly liked him even though she had a boyfriend) and they had a fight in the middle of the dance floor. The next day none of them were in the office. The girl who started the fight was told she either had to resign or be fired. She opted to resign out of embarrassment.

Image credits: NeonRunaway
When most people had left the party, the Executive Director of a non-profit used the conference room big screen to look up staff member profiles on a court case website. This was done in front of everyone that was still there, and he thought it was just a funny joke. I heard about it after I had left. He was was later fired for a litany of other improprieties.
Office party with open bar, a seriously bad idea. A senior engineer who worked for me got totally blitzed and groped the (female) CFO. Then he stumbled to the bathroom and passed out in his own vomit. Coworker was unable to awaken him and called 911.
Ambulance shows up to take him to the ER while I follow behind in my car. Halfway to the hospital the ambulance suddenly pulls over and sits there while I (in the trailing car) wonder WTF is going on.
Three minutes later a cop car shows up and the cops enter the ambulance. One emerges a minute or two later and the ambulance continues on its way, now followed by both me and the remaining cop in our respective cars. We get to the hospital and my engineer, now awake, incoherent, and handcuffed to the gurney, is taken to an examination room.
The cop explains that the guy woke up during the ambulance ride and attacked the crew. I spent 10 minutes talking him out of arresting and charging the guy.
Hospital checked him in and I stayed up all night in the waiting room so they could release him to my custody and I could take him back to the hotel. His BAC had clocked in at 0.4.
Amazingly he was not fired (he was a *really* good engineer) but was required to attend counseling.
It was an 'alcohol free' party at work in the morning. A co-worker brought in a bunch of pies, all home-made and heavily laced with rum. By noon, everyone was schnockered and calling taxi cabs.

Image credits: Eiffel-Tower777
Huge ballroom. near end of night. I was in my late 20's and in sales. the general manager was feeling good and dancing with my girlfriend. I told the bartender to buy all of us shots and a beer and put it on that guys bill- I looked over at him and yelled his name. i raised my glass, gave the ok sign and thumbs up to him- he gave the thumbs up and ok sign back
the bar went wild... the bartender poured us all drinks. he thought i was just saying hi and have fun with my girl. lol
next work day, it was one of the highlites and he pulled me aside and said he thought it was a hillarious prank and he thinks my girlfriend is a real keeper (she wasn't).
The owner discovered that the VP had been giving the operations department a hard time, so he came up with a clever way to address it. For the company Christmas party, the owner ordered an open bar, knowing the VP would likely overindulge. By the end of the night, the owner started playfully roasting the VP in front of everyone. While it was lighthearted enough to pass as friendly banter, the underlying message wasn’t lost on the operations team, who were blushing and laughing the entire time. Meanwhile, the VP, visibly intoxicated, had no idea how poorly he was coming across. It was a masterclass in subtle yet effective leadership.
Old job about 15 years ago someone took a s**t in the bosses office in the garbage can.

Image credits: malice666
Had a big party in a posh hotel but it then came out that work had a 250 cleanup bill because someone took a s**t in the foyer. There were a few rumors as to who was the suspected culprit but no proof until one day a video appeared of the cctv footage of a colleague stumbling out of the party room, stopping, unzipping and just letting loose infront of horrified staff to shocked to stop him in time.
It was also exactly who everyone expected it to be as well.
Guy #1 is in his late 30s. Guy #2 is in late 40s.
The party always started before lunch time. Late afternoon Guy #1’s 22 year old girlfriend shows up, and she is an absolute 10. Guy #1 gets pissed off with everyone ogling his girlfriend and people telling him he’s punching above his weight. He wants to leave, she says no so he leaves and dumps her by text message.
She went home with Guy #2 that night, and they ended up married with 2 kids.
Guy #1 didn’t take it well and tried to fight Guy #2 the first day back in the office, and as being held back yelled at the boss it was “either him or me”. The boss chose the guy who wasn’t trying to fight and make ultimatums in the office.
A couple years ago at our staff xmas party, the owner used to have a draw for cash prizes. Pretty generous too, like $1000.
Not even two weeks earlier, our GM hired this couple that needed money and was desperate for work. After they started working, it was obvious why they needed money - they were junkies.
By now, I'm sure you've guessed who won the big money at the Christmas party. The couple proceeded to get hammered, drinking in the parking lot and left the party in the back of a police car. We never saw them again, they never came back to work and had disconnected their phone.
They had layoffs immediately after the potluck.
The giftcard prizes to be given to the first & second prize winners of the cookie contest were taken off the prize/present table by an executive - as both the first & second place winners were part of the group being laid off.

Image credits: Zaphod_0707
One year the owner punched one of the salesmen in the face in the middle of the party and they both rolled around on the floor fighting for a good minute. Most holiday parties are boring but this one was fun.

Image credits: Chaucers_Mistress
One of our producers threw the keys to the company van down an elevator shaft.

Image credits: Necessary-Cartoonist
Boss/Owner’s daughter brought her new boyfriend from collage to the party and he could not handle it. He got super drunk and started wandering around the party asking all sorts of sexual questions to people. He would come up to couples and ask them how often they had sex, what kinds of positions they liked, what kinks they were into. It was an HR nightmare.
The boss and an employee snuck off to the bathroom, while in there broke the handicap rail off the wall. Boss’s wife showed up, went into the bathroom to compose herself after hearing what had just transpired, then proceeded to run out of the bathroom with said hand rail and chase the boss around the sales floor with it. 10/10 party
Edit: UPDATE the boss came to the party with his wife in tow, open bar, catered with all the fixings and trimmings. It took longer than expected but I had him clocked the whole time so I can update. Around 9pm the big guy went out for a smoke, and never came back in. A few of us split up and found him in the same bathroom. Noises indicated what we all suspected. We hung back and he emerged holding a bottle of vodka and as cavalier as ever walked back around the corner to the party. Seconds later the new hire exited and absconded out the employee entrance to the rear parking lot. She then came in the side entrance (smoking area) and continued to mingle casual as hell. The bosses wife was three sheets to the wind and had absolutely no idea any of it happened. Nothing in the bathroom was broken. They are all now on the sales floor/lobby playing with samples of the products we offer to customers. The balls on this guy are bigger than two of my heads duct taped together. I lost the pool so I’m out $20 but it was worth it. Will update if anything else juicy happens.

Image credits: SnooLobsters4972
The hottest blonde at my office attended an open-bar Xmas party at a co-worker's house. Everyone was having a great time. At one point I went outside to get some fresh air as the house was pretty warm. She was standing near the side of the house having a smoke. She waved me over. We were both pretty drunk but not so bad that we couldn't chat.
Then out of the blue, she starts making out with me, grabs my hand and pulls me into a dark spot behind the house. I went down on her and she ripped my pants down, tearing them. Tells me she wants me to f**k her. Then all of a sudden people start coming out of the house. We scrambled to get re-clothed. Then she left.
We ended up starting to date around 6 months later, got married and had kids. Yup, How I 'met' my wife...

Image credits: BorisThuhSpider
Not my Xmas party, but an ex-friend who worked at a Steakhouse as a bartender in my own town.
* Decided it was a great idea to pregame with 4 grams pf mushrooms, myself and another mutual decided to take 2 each
* Friend decided to start drinking like a fish while myself and the 3rd party rode out our trip in the parking lot
* Couple hours later, after mutual and I came down, were summoned by someone frantically asking if we were with the Party Animal
* Followed person who summoned us to the hall where the part was past a row of people. One girl was crying, clothes were torn off of a couple guys outside as well.
* We were led to rear exit of the building as people were yelling at us
Turns out as we were outside having a mellow trip, the Party Animal had gotten handsy with the woman, decided to fight the guys with the torn clothing, bit one of the bouncers at the event, torn a couple doors off of the stalls in the mens washroom and was being physically convinced to exit the party in a cab that wanted nothing to do with the Party Animal.
We were instructed to "deal" with the Party Animal before the cops arrived.
Party Animal didnt recognize myself or the mutual, we had been VERY good friends for about 4 years. I brought my car around and PA was loaded forcefully into my backseat.
PA was incapable of nothing more than primal grunts and violence. It was 2am, 20 degrees below zero outside and we all still lived with our parents, what to do?
PA was driven to mutuals house whos parents just happened t be out of town. When we arrived, we couldnt extract PA out of my vehicle. It'd be easier to extract a bear. He was having NOTHING of it.
We tossed PA a couple blankets, a pillow and left him in the car to sober up.
PA came round at about 6am, had pissed himself in my car, and had to return to work for his shift that night.
Needless to say, Party Animal and I dont associate very much after that.
They caught my partner's wife making out with her sister.

Image credits: SuccessfulGoose3221
Sorry I have 2 stories, so this will be long, but entertaining.
I had just gotten a job at a telemarketing firm, but I felt I had started too soon to attend the party, so I stayed home. I really wish I had gone, cause s**t went off. I show up for work Monday morning and there is a new branch manager running the morning meeting.
I of course asked what happened to the other guy, and I hear what happened. So, he was a mid 20's guy, and super nice. Well, he decided that this would be the party of all parties and started drinking after his shift. By the time he got to the party, he was 3 sheets to the wind and looking for the 4th on the line. He walks into the party with a bottle of Jack Daniels, that he's swigging out of, and yells, "who's ready to party?" Of course, people had a couple of drinks by this time, and they answer in kind.
So, he puts down the bottle, grabs a fire extinguisher and starts rubbing his crotch all over it asking everyone if they want him to set it off. One of the more sober people grabs it and puts it out of reach. Then, he jumps up on the stage (this was being held at a Royal Canadian Legion, and this one had a stage for ceremonies) and starts stripping. People are trying to find a blanket to cover him up, while he's still yelling about this being the best party ever. So they finally got him covered up, and off the stage. As he's sitting there, he starts hitting on one of the older ladies in the branch, and they figured that she would take care of him. Well, she did. The woman telling me the story tells me that when she turned around, they are making out on the floor, and the next time she sees them they are leaving. He was promptly fired and flown home on the Sunday, and the new manager was flown in the same night.
There was another Christmas Party, where, long story short, the girl who started working with us a month earlier, brought her boyfriend, which is fine. The messed up part was during dinner, she decided to fully make out with the guy on a couch at the back of the room. Ok, your not hungry, but some of us wanted to eat. So, dinner is over, music starts, and they are on the dance floor, dry humping like they were auditioning for Canada's Next Porn Couple. After I'd left the party, one of the ladies texted me to tell me that the new girls boyfriend was trying to convince my friends husband to leave the women and go to a strip club in the area. My friends husband said, No, I'm here with my wife and we're having a good time. She said the guy harassed her husband for over 10 mins, before he finally gave up. Needless to say, she didn't stick around for much longer once people heard about their antics.
The boss and a workmate (both very drunk) both decided it would be fine to get in a car with an also very drunk woman who they’d literally just met, who somehow decided she was fine to drive and they crashed 5 mins down the road. Thankfully, even though I was also very drunk, I could clearly see how f*****g idiotic this was and got in a cab. They were all fine, miraculously.

Image credits: voivoivoi183
One of the staff did a handstand in short dress with no underwear on.
A different staff member who was beyond wasted was trying to do a striptease on the bar.