1 What “died at the Oval on 29 August 1882”?
2 What defines a Weird society?
3 Which TV show took its title from a Whiskas advert?
4 Which wonder of the ancient world may not have existed?
5 On what does Nikkie de Jager offer online advice?
6 Which medieval dynasty was named after the broom plant?
7 Which political document sold for $43m last year?
8 What was traditionally stored in a fiasco?
What links:
9 Indian cobra; red fox; common buzzard; Eurasian lynx?
10 Cheviot; Donegal; Harris; Saxony; Yorkshire?
11 James Webb; Cheops; Hubble; Astrosat?
12 Dapple; Modestine; Benjamin; Puzzle?
13 Snooker players; race walkers; flamingos?
14 Îles Sorlingues; Îles Anglo-Normandes; Orcades?
15 Woolworth; Singer; Metropolitan Life; Chrysler?

1 English cricket (mock Ashes obituary).
2 Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic.
3 8 Out of 10 Cats.
4 Hanging gardens of Babylon.
5 Makeup/beauty (NikkieTutorials on YouTube).
6 Plantagenet (from Latin name planta genista).
7 US constitution (original copy).
8 Chianti wine.
9 Zoological triple tautonyms: naja naja naja; vulpes vulpes vulpes; buteo buteo buteo; lynx lynx lynx.
10 Types of tweed.
11 Space telescopes.
12 Literary donkeys: Don Quixote; Travels With a Donkey in the Cévennes; Animal Farm; Chronicles of Narnia.
13 One foot on the ground (in the rules, in the case of snooker and race walking).
14 French names for British archipelagos: Isles of Scilly; Channel Islands; Orkney.
15 Early-20th-century New York skyscrapers.