The questions
1 Which Filipino was assassinated at the airport later named after him?
2 Which non-feline has a scientific name meaning “fire-coloured cat”?
3 Sabrage is the technique of doing what with a sword?
4 Which Dickens novel has a female narrator?
5 Which football team has won more European Cups than league titles?
6 In the Bible, who lived to the age of 962?
7 Which dynasty originated in the second marriage of Catherine of Valois?
8 Which national opera company is based in Leeds?
What links:
9 23 in March; 73 in September?
10 Alexander Selkirk; John F Kennedy; Lucy Irvine?
11 Bears, cola bottles, fried eggs, heart throbs and rings?
12 Golden; Beaver; Evergreen; Last Frontier?
13 Oscar Wilde; David Irving; Johnny Depp; Rebekah Vardy?
14 Sharm el-Sheikh; Glasgow; Madrid; Katowice?
15 Bob Hayes (100m and wide receiver); Roger Kingdom (110m hurdles and speed coach)?

The answers
1 Ninoy Aquino.
2 Red panda.
3 Opening a champagne bottle.
4 Bleak House (Esther Summerson).
5 Nottingham Forest.
6 Jared (Genesis).
7 Tudor (she married Owen Tudor).
8 Opera North.
9 New car number plates issued (age identifier).
10 Stranded on islands: inspired Robinson Crusoe; in second world war; author of Castaway.
11 Haribo Starmix contents.
12 Nicknames of US Pacific states: California; Oregon; Washington; Alaska.
13 Sued for libel and lost.
14 COP climate conferences (2018-22).
15 Only two sportsmen to win Olympic gold medal and Super Bowl ring.