Spoiler: The answer is below.
Wordle has slowly become a part of our morning ritual.
The premise of the viral sensation is that players have six chances to guess a five-letter word. The different coloured squares indicate how well they have done with their guesses:
Black square - the letter is not in the word
Yellow square - correct letter but in the wrong location
Green square - correct letter, correct location

The Wordle answer 212 for Tuesday 18 January is “PROXY.”
“PROXY” describes the authority to represent someone else, commonly seen in voting.
It also refers to a figure representing the value of something in a calculation. Or in the internet world, a proxy server can act as a middleman between the user and the internet.
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For those who didn’t guess today’s Wordle correctly, there’s always tomorrow. Of course, you could always load up an Incognito tab to have another go.
Try it out for yourself here.