Season three of the BBC One drama, The Split began on Monday (April 4). This new season has six episodes, each of which is 60 minutes.
The show initially began in April 2018 and has since gone on to be successful as season two gained over six million viewers and more than 19 million streams. The cast of The Split includes Nicola Walker (The Turn of Screw), Stephen Mangan (Beyond The Pole), Barry Atsma (Zurich), Annabel Scholey (Walking in Sunshine) and more.
The Split airs on BBC One weekly on Mondays. As Monday was the first episode of season three, there are now five more weeks remaining that will air the series on BBC One. However, the full series of season three of The Split is now available to watch on BBC iPlayer, if you feel like bingeing it.
Read more: When does The Split season 3 start on BBC One and what we know about the new series
What is The Split on BBC One about?
The Split is a BBC drama about relationships of all different kinds and what happens when they reach a breaking point. The series follows the main character's mother Ruth (Deborah Findlay), and her two daughters Hannah (Nicola Walker) and Nina (Annabel Scholey) who are in the family business as they help their clients navigate death, divorce and parental responsibilities.
The new season of The Split will take a closer look at Hannah and her husband Nathan (Stephen Mangan) as they try to pursue an amicable divorce.
Is season three the final season of The Split?
Season three is indeed the final season of The Split. The popular BBC One legal drama has gained a host of fans from the first season leading up to this final instalment season.
Writer, creator and director of The Split, Abi Morgan, confirmed the new season will be the last. She said the "hardest thing" is letting go of the characters after three series.