Theo, 7, asks: what is the most expensive train ticket in the world?
Royal Scotsman, Scotland
Trans-Siberian Express, Russia
Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Europe
D Maharajas’ Express, India
Jacob, 7, asks: why is wood more flammable than bricks?
Wood is made of organic materials that are easily broken down
Wood has pockets of air that allow the fire to grow
Bricks are made from clay, which can withstand very high temperatures
All of the above
Seoyeon, 8, asks: what’s the hottest place in the world?
Furnace Creek in Death Valley, California, US
Valley of the Kings in the Sahara desert, Egypt
Fraser Island, Australia
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Chloe, 10½, asks: when an iceberg melts, is the water salty like the sea?
Yes! Icebergs are frozen chunks of salty sea
No! Icebergs are made of fresh water
It depends on the iceberg, as each one has a different level of saltiness
We’re not sure, as no one has ever licked an iceberg!
Louise, 8, asks: what are water bears?
Bears who swim under water in the north pole
Inflatable bears that help children to swim
Microscopic eight-legged animals
Bears who live by the Amazon River
1:C - One night on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express travelling from Amsterdam to Venice, staying in the Grand Suite, costs £13,300!, 2:D - All of the above. Wood is more flammable than bricks because its materials are easily broken down by heat. Wood is sponge-like and full of air, whereas bricks are dense – they do not conduct heat easily. Bricks, made of heat-resistant clay, have already been fired in a kiln at a very high temperature., 3:A - Furnace Creek in Death Valley, California, holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth, at 56.7C (134F)., 4:B - Icebergs are made of fresh water. They are chunks of ice that have broken off a glacier (a frozen river) and drifted into the ocean. , 5:C - Water bears, also known as tardigrades, are sometimes nicknamed moss piglets. These tiny creatures are about 0.5 millimetres long. When you examine them under a microscope, they look like a miniature bear. They like to live in moss, but they can survive anywhere, from boiling to freezing temperatures – even in outer space!
5 and above.
4 and above.
3 and above.
2 and above.
0 and above.
1 and above.
Molly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun, a weekly podcast answering children’s questions, out now as a book.
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