Peer-to-peer networks (P2P) might not be a term you’re familiar with, but you’ve likely used one. In fact, you might well have used a few in your lifetime.
An alternative way of building networks, P2P uses decentralised network architecture, allowing users to connect directly to each other without the need for a 3rd party.
While it is often used for file sharing and torrenting, it has other uses in everything from sending money to simply passing messages back and forth via certain apps.
The important part of a P2P network is its decentralised nature. This means that no single entity controls the network you’re using, making it less vulnerable to failures and more secure to use.
But like many things on the internet, P2P networks come with some risks. Going in armed with one of the best VPNs is a safer way to approach the tool.
So what exactly is a P2P network and more importantly, why should you care?
What is P2P?
In theory, a P2P network is designed around the idea of a one-to-one system. This means that computers are directly connected to each other to complete a transfer. In this situation, both computers act as both a client and a server.
This means each computer can simultaneously request information from other computers and provide information too. There is no central server controlling the flow and no need for anyone else to be involved.
P2P can be used in instant messaging apps, torrenting platforms like BitTorrent and for financial platforms such as PayPal or cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Even the dark web’s Tor network uses P2P networks.

Benefits of P2P
So why use a P2P network in the first place? Well, there are a few benefits that make it stand out.
Firstly, and arguably most importantly, it offers a faster data transfer method. Because there is no middleman, a P2P transfer simply happens quicker. This is not only quicker but a more effective use of bandwidth.
Because there is no central server or authority in this kind of system, everybody has equal status and directly communicates with each other.
This is part of the system’s decentralised nature. Without any central system, P2P networks are more more private, just involving the people needed.
Another benefit of P2P systems is their scalability. As more people join the network, the available resources and capabilities increase. Because the workload is shared across devices, there aren’t issues of slower downloads or more strain on bandwidth.
With torrenting, for example, a P2P network allows the downloaded files to be broken down with each computer responsible for part of the download. However, if used for downloads, it is best to go in with one of the best torrenting VPNs in use.
This is also useful for network resilience. With no central point of failure, a P2P system is less susceptible to attacks or something causing them to go down.

Drawbacks of P2P
A lot of the factors that make P2P great also cause some issues. Because there is no central system controlling them, there is a higher risk of malware being distributed, especially on file-sharing platforms.
This is why investing in one of the most secure VPNs before using a peer-to-peer system is important. These will help to limit the risk of accidentally downloading a suspicious file from someone.
Another good reason to go in armed with the best private VPNs is that the majority of P2P platforms will have to expose your IP address in order to function. A VPN can help keep this hidden from anyone you’re interacting with on these platforms.
Something else to consider with P2P is that they can use up a lot of bandwidth. With multiple people downloading and uploading at the same time, large amounts of data are having to be processed. This can put a real strain on your network.

How to stay safe on a P2P network
For the most part, using a P2P network is a completely safe thing to do. However, there are ways to make sure you stay safe from any of the risks that can pop up.
Firstly, make sure you choose a reputable P2P client if you’re planning on file sharing. Looking for options that are well reviewed or popular with a large client base is a good place to start with this.
Secondly, as we mentioned above, using a P2P client will expose your IP address to other users on the internet. While most people won’t do anything with this information or particularly care, there are some who will look to use it maliciously.
The best way to do this is through a two-step system. Firstly, installing a firewall will help to keep your device safe from any malicious files that might come your way or from people looking to use your information against you.
Combining that with a VPN will help to hide your IP address when using a P2P network. Whichever VPN you choose should have a reliable kill switch as part of its package.
As a final precaution, using cloud storage networks can allow you to take advantage of the ease of P2P file sharing while taking the bandwidth toll off of your network. While this isn’t a necessary step to take, it will make your life easier overall.

Bottom line
A peer-to-peer network system comes with its benefits and its drawbacks, but overall, it's a great file-sharing system. You’re probably even using them already through platforms like PayPal.
They’re faster for file transfers and offer a decentralised network for sending information back and forth. However, it is always important to be aware of the risks. When using a P2P system, your IP address will be exposed to other people, and they have the potential to introduce malware to your network.
Taking the necessary precautions is crucial. Arm yourself with a good VPN and some knowledge of how P2P systems work and you’re ready to jump in.