What is an Istar? I'm glad you asked. You may know your Hobbits from your Harfoots, but one of the more fantastical races currently in Middle-earth is the Istari. They are also now more important than ever if you are a Rings of Power fan, as we've had some big character revelations following The Rings of Power season 2.
Flash back to the The Rings of Power's season 1 finale and you may have heard something about the 'Istar', a word we've technically not heard in the screen adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien's works before, despite it being associated with several major characters who exist within that world. Since then, the Amazon Prime show has introduced us to the Dark Wizard chasing the 'Istar,' known only as The Stranger.
But what does 'Istar' mean, and who are they? Well, we get into it below. Spoilers are within, so only venture below if you've caught up to The Rings of Power season 2, episode 8.
What is an Istar?

Simply put, 'Istar' is an Elvish – more specifically, a Quenyan – term for 'wizard', a fact that The Stranger explains plainly to Harfoot pal Eleanor 'Nori' Brandyfoot after the Mystics deem him one in the Rings of Power season 1 finale. (He also points out to her that 'Istar' means 'wise one' in her language).
After mistaking him for Sauron, pledging their allegiance to him, and urging him to return with them to Rhûn, the Dweller, the Nomad, and the Ascetic wind up fighting The Stranger after the Harfoots come to his aid. During the battle, The Stranger's otherworldly abilities are exposed in all their glory, and the trio realizes that they're not dealing with Sauron but a magic wielder instead.
That group is involved with the hunt for The Stranger, with Ciaran Hinds' Dark Wizard explicitly referring to the "Istar," suggesting he either knows who the wizard is or is at least aware of the presence of more of his kind in Middle-earth. In J. R. R. Tolkien's original works, the Istari, also known as Maiar, are powerful angel-like beings sent down to Middle-earth by the one god Eru Ilúvatar to help the Free Peoples – Elves, Dwarves, Men, you get the idea – in their fight against the dark lord Sauron.
Despite their aging appearances, they are known to be physically strong and highly intelligent. Each of them carried a staff, was associated with a color, and possessed a rank within their Order. This may sound very familiar to Tolkien fans and anyone who knows Gandalf the Grey. Speaking of Gandalf, yes, he is an Istar, and yes, The Rings of Power season 2 just revealed that he is also The Stranger.
Knowing that Gandalf is now The Stranger, the Prime series officially breaks away from Tolkien's established Lord of the Rings timeline, as he is only meant to come to Middle-earth during the Third Age. However, we still love the series, and you can read more about the latest entry in our Rings of Power season 2 review.
Who are the Istar?

There are only five known Istari in the Lord of the Rings franchise; Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and the Blue Wizards (Alatar and Pallando). While the latter don't really feature in Tolkien's works, it is believed that they journeyed far into the east after their arrival in Middle-earth and served as missionaries in enemy-occupied lands. What happened to them after that is unknown.
Always on the move, wanderer Gandalf is a close friend of Bilbo Baggins and the Hobbits of the Shire. While he possesses great power, he'd rather guide the people of Middle-earth through encouragement and persuasion. Over time, Gandalf actually becomes the owner of Narya, the Ring of Fire, but given the fact that the Rings of Power is set thousands of years before the events of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies, we needn't worry ourselves with that just yet.
Elsewhere, Saruman is the leader of the Istari and of the White Council, a group of Elves and wizards formed by Galadriel to fight Sauron. A bit of a bad dude in the end, he ends up being corrupted by his desire for knowledge and order, and obsession with finding the One Ring – but that storyline is a long way off yet. Early fan theories believe that Saruman and the Dark Wizard are one and the same.
Radagast is merely mentioned in the original texts, but his role was expanded in Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy. Shaman-like, he is often seen conversing with animals and flexing his herb-related skills.
Less is known about the Blue Wizards, other than they were sent to the south and east in Middle-earth to help quell the rise of Sauron.
Tolkien, in his 'Last Writings', say the Blue Wizards arrived in Middle-earth during the Second Age, before even the likes of Gandalf and Saruman.
For more, check out everything we know about The Rings of Power season 3. If fantasy's not your thing, then check out our guide to the best shows on Amazon Prime for some viewing inspiration.