We are all used to Netflix’s weird and wonderful content recommendations by now.
Flicking down the streaming giant’s menu, we’re frequently flooded with all kinds of bizarre suggestions.
We’re told to watch everything under the sun, from oddball dating shows to cookie-cutter Christmas movies.
But one user has been suggested a bizarre new category, leaving millions scratching their heads in confusion.
A TikTok user by the name of ‘channel.everything’ shared a video on Sunday, claiming that Netflix had suggested they watch a collection of films about one mystery topic: Shmunguss.
He claimed to be at his girlfriend’s house, who was using a VPN service to connect to other countries’ services.
“I’m at my girlfriend’s house. Can someone tell me what these categories are?” he asked.
“What the hell is a Shmunguss?”
He flicked through a range of Shmunguss-themed films, which included The Shmonguss Among Us, I married a Shmunguss, and The Shmunguss King, which appeared to star actor Paul Giamatti.
And, as he swiped through to another Shmunguss-themed film, called Shmonguss’ Revenge, an intimidating voiceover was heard.
“They stole my Shmunguss,” the voiceover said, eliciting terrified shrieks from the TikTok user.
11 million views
Mysteriously, none of these titles can be found on Google or other search engines.
And, as far as we can see, no other users have detected a Shmunguss category on their Netflix accounts.

The video racked up more than 11 million views in just over a day, with thousands of TikTok users trying to explain the bizarre discovery in the comments.
Many compared the find to an episode of Rick and Morty, where Rick invents a cable box that gives access to television shows across every dimension.
Another suggested that this was a secret message from the streaming service.
“A Shmunguss is someone who uses a VPN to stream global content,” one wrote.
“Netflix created this category to say they know what we are doing.”
Others questioned the authenticity of the video, suggesting the user may have cracked Netflix’s code and input the category and titles themselves.
“He edited the ‘Netflix’ screen beforehand and is playing a video on the TV,” one user said.
Other internet sleuths also found the picture of Paul Giamatti isn’t really from The Shmunguss King. It’s actually from 2011 film Ironclad, in which Giamatti plays King John.
Another inconsistency is the spelling of ‘Shmunguss’. In some of the titles shown, it’s spelt with a ‘u’ and in others, an ‘o’.

Known to have a laugh
Although the jury’s still out on the authenticity of the whole Shmunguss situation, Netflix has been known to have a laugh.
From 2013 to 2018, Netflix made it a habit, as many other companies do, to trick its users with an annual April Fool’s prank.
In 2018, it released a video starring comedians Seth Rogen and Lonny Ross, in which the former signs a contract with the streaming giant, handing over ownership of his mind, body and soul.
Under the agreement, Rogen had to come up with original movie ideas for Netflix, and Netflix had to air his Hilarity for Charity special.
Netflix hasn’t released an April Fool’s Day prank since.
But maybe Netflix is planning on bringing back the tradition this year? And perhaps it’s April Fool’s content launched a few weeks early?
We might never know.