If you've kept up with mad enduro rider Matt Spears in recent time, then you know he's game for a whole lot of wild creations that pretty much no one else would build. Most recently, he got his hands on a totaled Ducati Panigale. The motor was still very much good, though the bodywork and frame had definitely seen better days.
So naturally, he did what absolutely no one else would do, and turned it into a dirt bike of sorts. As a dirt bike, it's both ridiculously overpowered and a bit of a chonky boy. That's not the point, though; the point is clearly the fun.
That was a few weeks ago, though, so what new challenges has Spears attempted to crush since? Remember the guys at BUM (which itself spun off from Grind Hard Plumbing Company)? Well, it turns out that they've brought their CBR1000RR-powered three-wheeler out to play in the snow, and Spears is down to challenge them with the Panigale.
Good idea? You be the judge.
That's far from the only machine that the Panigale takes on, though. At first, Spears starts out with just the paddle tire and the ski, no studs in sight. It's a good thing he had the foresight to bring the studs with for the day, though, because it seems as though the paddle tire isn't quite working as well as he'd hoped once he has the chance to test it out.
No worries, though; nothing some simple stud installation can't hopefully fix. Along the way, we also get to see a host of other custom snow creations, including a mini-Jeep/ATV conversion with four snowmobile tracks installed (and it's nothing to do with Ed March, funnily enough). There's also a turbocharged custom snowmobile that looks ready to rip your face off, and which unsurprisingly makes the Panigale look like it's practically standing still.
But as LeVar Burton always used to say, "You don't have to take my word for it." Queue up the video and check it out for yourself.