People in the streets of Edinburgh city centre have had their say on how they plan to spend the £150 rebate that certain households are set to receive as the cost of living crisis continues.
While some answered that they would try to put money aside for helping their children, almost all responses were connected to their next gas and electricity bill, which is expected to increase by £693 per year, or to help pay for their rent.
It comes after Scottish Finance Secretary, Kate Forbes, announced a support package of £290 million for those in Scotland affected by the cost of living crisis, including the council tax rebates for eligible households. All households in Scotland who are in council tax bands A to D will receive a payment of £150 in order to meet rising costs.
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However, those who are not in these bands or those who already get a council tax discount will not receive the payment.
Mary McPherson, 83, says that the money would go on her next bill. “I think it would have to. It’s getting quite expensive, the heating and the electricity. At the moment it’s fine but when the winter comes we’ll know the difference won’t we?”
Journalist Maggie Miller, 48, explains that her energy bills in the next year are going to increase by nearly £1500. She says: “In terms of it being a rebate, it basically means that the money is going to come off your energy bills. It’s not like you’ve suddenly got £150 to spend.
“So, I don’t feel better off for having a £150 rebate that hardly touches what I would need my energy bills to come down to for them to feel normal.
"So instead of a £150 rebate, what the government really needs to be doing is thinking about is a longer-term strategy of being energy self-sufficient rather than having to buy in energy from other sources.”
Dog day-care worker Jade, out with her young child, states that she would spend the money on her daughter. She says: “I would probably just spend the money on clothes and stuff that she needs. She grows up so fast anyway! So, I would get her that and try to spend some on the gas and electricity that is so expensive.”
Bethan MacDonald is no different in what she plans to spend the money on. The 20-year-old Edinburgh University student says: “To be honest, it would probably go towards paying for my bills over the next few months. It would definitely have to go towards gas and electricity which I’m paying on top of the rent I’m having to pay this summer.”
Retired social worker, Margaret, says: “I would try to split it between my increased costs of electricity which I’m shocked is increasing to over £2000 per year. If possible, I would use some on my increased petrol and food costs but I understand the Government are paying the fuel grant direct to my electricity supplier so I’m going to really struggle with all the increased costs of living whilst my only income is a pension and disability benefit.”
Geraldine, 68, says: “I hope we do get the rebate that we’re apparently getting. I would probably have to spend it on the gas and electricity bills. I would love to spend it on other things but the prices just keep increasing.”