Actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are all set to tie the knot on November 14 and 15. The couple made an official announcement on their social media handles on Sunday, writing, “With the blessings of our families, it gives us immense joy in sharing that our wedding is set to take place on the 14th and 15th November, 2018. We thank you for all the love you have showered upon us over the years and seek your blessings as we embark on this incredible journey of love, loyalty friendship and togetherness.”
The couple that started dating on the sets of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Rasleela: Ram-Leela and went on to do two more films with the auteur -- Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat. While Bhansali’s films failed to give them a happy ending, their real story is all set to have a “happily ever after” in it.
Deepika never confessed her love openly for Ranveer except for the emojis she liberally showers on his Instagram posts. Here are some of those rare moments when she opened her heart out about the love of her life...
Deepika spilled the beans on Koffee With Karan
On the first episode of Koffee With Karan 6, Deepika opened up about what made her fall in love with Ranveer: “I love him for his emotional quotient that he is extremely expressive, cries and all of that.” Deepika also revealed that she hates him for his lifestyle -- “sleeping hours and all” -- and “tolerates” his fashion sense.
When Karan asked her what kind of husband Ranveer would make, Deepika chose the option, “mumma’s boy” without much hesitation. She also revealed that they have been dating for six years, which proved that their romance began while shooting for Ram Leela.
Deepika’s first impression of Ranveer
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh made a joint appearance at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit in October, a month before their upcoming wedding. The actor spoke about her first impression of the actor, which was -- hold your breath -- “He’s not my type.”
Deepika said that she watched Ranveer’s debut film, Band Baja Baarat, and remembers having a conversation about him with her then agent. Deepika’s agent was convinced that Ranveer was destined to become a huge star, to which she said, “I’m not so sure.”
She recalled meeting him at a restaurant and asking him “Oh, wow, you’ve moved to Bombay?” Convinced by his onscreen image, she explained, “I didn’t realise he was a Bombay boy, he was so flawless in that film (Band Baaja Baarat). There was no family lineage, he was a new fact. I thought he was from Delhi. It’s one of my favourite films of his. That will always be very, very special.”
What Deepika loves the most about Ranveer
Deepika and Ranveer were last seen in the film Padmaavat. Praising his onscreen performance as Alauddin Khilji in the film, Deepika had said, “I cannot think of any actor who would have done this role and brought in the kind of intensity he did with Khilji.” But when his ladylove was asked if she was critical of his performances, she said in an interview with Filmfare Middle East, “I am very protective about Ranveer. When the world gushes on him, I am honest with my feedback of him.”
Ranveer’s more than his energy
During the same interview, Deepika was asked about what she likes the most about Ranveer. To this, the Padmaavat actor had replied, “Everything other than the most obvious. I am bored when people say they love his energy. The man has so much more! He is an extremely good human being. He is kind and good to people. He is very real, emotional and sensitive. He is a man who is not afraid to cry and I love that about him. He is a man!”
The hidden side of Ranveer
During the promotions of their film Bajirao Mastani, when Deepika was asked about her co-star Ranveer Singh, she told PTI, “He is a different person when he is with him family and friends than what he is out there in public. I have accepted him for both his very contrasting sides but I think I relate to the more emotional side of him, the vulnerability is probably what I connect to more.”
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First Published: Oct 23, 2018 17:50 IST