It has been raining on and off all night and although it's a wet start to the week, at least there isn't that bite in the air forcing many to retreat indoors.
It was 6.9 degrees at Canberra Airport about 8.30am, and 6.7 degrees at Tuggeranong.
Bureau of Meteorology rain gauges recorded about five to six millimetres of rain so far with more expected through the morning period.
"We do have a bit of a shower-y sort of a day," Bureau meteorologist Helen Reid said.
"We've got a bit of a cloudband coming through associated with a trough, so we've got some rainfall with it, not expecting huge amounts."

It will be a maximum of 11 degrees on Monday.
Showers will ease as the day goes on, but there are chances of the wet weather continuing into tomorrow.
"The air is a bit cooler, there is a possibility of snow up in The Brindabellas as well," Ms Reid said.
Cloud cover is expected to reduce on Tuesday, starting off with a chilly and frosty morning.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the region will return to August average temperatures, about 14 to 15 degrees maximum, until the next cold front steps in on Thursday.
"Wednesday, we're not looking at anything in the sense of rainfall, a bit of frosty morning, likely to have lots of sunshine that day. Not looking at it being particularly warm, just a little bit above average," Ms Reid said.
Temperatures will drop heading into Friday and the weekend.
Sunday is when the next warm day is expected, until then, power through.