West Lothian has been showing solidarity with the people of Ukraine as Russia continues its bombardment.
Locals have been organising fundraisers and collecting clothes and other donations to send to the country.
The Ukranian flag is currently flying at the Civic Centre in Livingston in support of the people of Ukraine.
The leader of West Lothian Council Lawrence Fitzpatrick, said: “I would like to express my full support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who have demonstrated remarkable courage and fortitude in defending their country from totally unjustified aggression.
“I’m sure everyone in West Lothian would share this sentiment, and is equally horrified by this unprovoked attacked on Ukraine by Russia.
“The Ukrainian flag is flying at the Civic Centre in Livingston, which will be lit up in blue and yellow at night, to demonstrate our strong support for Ukraine at this difficult time.”
Locals have been raising money to help and offering assistance in other ways.
Some are collecting clothes and other items to send direct to the country, while others are raising money.
Local Scout groups - including those in Winchburgh - have joined an effort to help in the humanitarian crisis. Visit here for details.
And Westport Veterinary Clinic in Linlithgow is appealing for local people to hand in items to help the ‘pets of Ukraine’ by 5pm today.
In a Facebook post the practice said: “Westport Vets are collecting donations for the pets of Ukraine. Pet food and bedding required.”
For more information call the Linlithgow branch on 01506 844165 or visit here.
Are you doing anything to help Ukraine by fundraising or collecting donations? Email debbie.hall@reachplc.com.
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