Online abuse and harassment directed against public servants has been described as "a threat to local democracy" by the head of Scotland's council body.
CoSLA President Councillor Alison Evison told West Lothian’ s councillors they needed to show leadership in promoting civility in public life to tackle the issue.
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And she warned that shying away from challenging and calling out abuse and harassment strikes at the core of communities.
"Everyone here will be aware of the impact of incivility, the impact of disrespect and unkindness on our own lives as councillors serving our communities," Councillor Evison said.
“We are also aware of the wider impact on families and communities. The stresses can impact on huge numbers of people around us. Incivility in public life which makes people think twice about taking part is damaging to us all and damaging to our communities. This is something CoSLA has found crucial to address.”
The surge in online abuse directed at elected representatives was acting as a barrier - discouraging many, especially women, from standing for public office, she said.
“It became clear that women in public life are targeted far more than others,” said Councillor Evison.
There is also evidence that the level of harassment is making some councillors in Scotland - women especially- reconsider whether to stand for election again. This has the knock-on effect of taking experienced councillors out of the chambers.
It was a timely reminder as the councillors face election campaigns within the next three months, and it followed ill-tempered scenes at recent meetings.
The local government umbrella group has worked with its colleague organisations across the four nations to produce materials and information to help councillors call out and challenge incivility and harassment, especially online.
Cllr Evison told the meeting: “This is not about one person or group, it's about the heart of what we do in our democracy. None of us needs to accept behaviour that is not up to standard.”
CoSLA has produced a new code of conduct for councillors with a much expanded section on help and advice on how to deal with incivility in public life, including online harassment.
Councillor Evison said the materials were to give support to elected representatives to shut down uncivil comment.
“Shutting down uncivil comments is not a threat to democracy. Allowing it is a threat to democracy,” she added.
Depute Labour group leader Councillor Kirsteen Sullivan described how she had heard at conferences from female councillors who had been ignored at meetings, denied the right to speak and talked over. She asked if there was help available .
Councillor Evison described a mentoring training programme set up through the Improvement Service, a national body which promotes best practice and co-operation across Scottish Councils which is now available to all councillors.
Asked by Conservative councillor Bruce Fairbairn how optimistic she was that change would come, Cllr Evison said: “We can all show leadership, reflecting on what we do ourselves. Calling out things that aren’t right. There’s something we can all do. I’m optimistic if we all play our part . It is something we all need to play a part in.”