West Lothian Council has backed local calls to cut to speeds on three rural roads around Westfield and Torphichen.
The executive voted in favour of introducing statutory consultation with Police Scotland on a 30mph limit for Slackend, Cathlaw Lane, Torphichen, and Westfield.
READ MORE: West Lothian rat run villager calls for independent speed survey
That paves the way for a decision later this year on whether to spend £114,000 on signs and speed humps on the roads.
But Labour were accused of playing politics by the Tory group, and group leader Damian Doran-Timson called for the decision to come back to full council so all ward members, including Independent Stuart Borrowman and the SNP’s Sarah King, could vote with councillors on whether the spend should go ahead.
And Councillor Borrowman promised to hold Labour’s feet to the fire in the last ten weeks of its administration.
Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service after the decision was taken he said: “It’s welcome that a little progress has been made on reducing the speed limits in Cathlaw Lane and Westfield road.
“However, Torphichen residents will be frustrated that the Labour administration keeps trying to find long grass and put off final decisions.
“I’ll be sure to hold their feet to the fire to ensure this much-needed improvement is not frustrated.”
“As the Labour administration has moved £5m out of Armadale and Blackridge Ward in this term, clawing back a fraction of this would be welcome.
“That has been a very long campaign but the hoped-for outcome will offer some comfort to residents to see the legal limit reduced from 40mph to 30mph.”
Fellow ward member, Labour’s Andrew McGuire said in his motion “Council Executive ... notes the grave concerns of residents in the village of Torphichen with regard to the speed of traffic on these three roads and the view of many within the village that the road conditions do not correlate with the current speeds of the roads.”
He added: "At this stage we are not making any decision on spending whatsoever beyond the statutory procedure.
“I don’t dispute the professional opinion of officers.
“We are the democratic part of the council. We are here to listen to representative views of our communities and just how dangerous they believe some of these roads to be. We are advancing a case for a permanent solution to be found.”
Councillor Doran-Timson called Labour’s stance "myopic" for its refusal to acknowledge the same speeding problems on Mid Calder’s Main Street and the same concerns highlighted by residents there when it came to a meeting of the executive two weeks ago.
He said: “Two weeks ago it was stated by the Labour group that you can’t ignore the officer’s advice. It seems we can ignore the officer’s advice when they are playing political games. They are playing political games with people’s safety.”
Councillor Doran-Timson said that the expenditure identified to introduce the speed restrictions for the three sites in the Armdale ward - £114,000 - was significant enough to warrant coming back to full council.
Deputy SNP group leader Councillor Frank Anderson said that, whatever the motion suggested, a decision would have to be taken on whether to spend the £114,000 and there is no budget for that. For that reason the decision should be referred to the full council
Deputy Labour group leader Councillor Kirsteen Sullivan said she found it odd that the Tories should propose an amendment which would bypass the main decision making committee of the council when all the discussions so far had taken place in the executive.
She said: "The political game playing isn’t on this side of the chamber. We shouldn’t be conflating the two areas [Cathlaw and Mid Calder]. They are very different.”