Food and drink prices at the London Stadium have caused outrage among West Ham fans
(Picture: Getty Images)West Ham remain willing to take legal action against their landlord as the dispute over food and drink prices at the London Stadium this season rages on.
Hammers fans were left outraged at pints of beer costing as much as £7.60 during the club’s Premier League season opener against Manchester City earlier this month.
The club held talks with stadium owner London Legacy Development Corporation and catering partner Delaware North in a bid to lower prices ahead of last night’s home tie against Danish side Viborg in the Europa Conference League play-offs.
However, West Ham remain unhappy with the prices, which in the case of some beers have been reduced by as little as 10p, though more significant cuts have been made to the cost of food items such as pies and sausage rolls.
Hot drinks cost £3.65, while soft drink bottles are priced at £5.10 and chocolate bars and packets of crisps, £2.50.
The club want further reductions ahead of their next home game, against Brighton this weekend, or else are willing to take the matter to court, citing a clause in their contract with the LLDC that is designed to ensure prices are comparable to those at similar London clubs, namely Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham.