A third Costa Coffee could divert trade away from the town’s High Street and impact independent traders in Dumbarton East, council chiefs have warned.
Planning officers say a new cafe could affect the viability of local shops and say any impacts on turnover would be felt “sharply”.
However, developers insist “the viability and vitality of Dumbarton East will remain largely unaffected” if the plans are given the green light.
West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC) chiefs made the statement in new documents lodged as part of Costa’s planning appeal for a drive-thru and cafe in the car park area of Morrisons on Glasgow Road.
Costa, which already has Dumbarton cafes on High Street and at Lomondgate, had permission refused by councillors last year.
However, bosses appealed the decision to the Scottish Government, with a verdict due to be delivered last week.
It has now been further delayed.
The Scottish Government’s Department for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) say a site inspection and written submissions from the parties involved will be used to make a decision.
Independent cafe owners in the town have already voiced fears that a Costa could force them out of business - whilst Silverton and Overtoun Community Council highlighted concerns over the impact on traffic in the area.

A total of 431 objections to the initial plans were submitted by residents, with the proposals refused by councillors last winter.
Now both the agent acting on behalf of Costa, Peacock and Smith, and the council have been given until Thursday (August 11) to submit any further information relating to the appeal.
Last week new documents were published from both parties for the Scottish Government reporter to consider.
In response to a question about the impact on local businesses, James Hall, planning policy officer at WDC said: “The council considers that Dumbarton East provides a vibrant and diverse mix of shops, services, food and drink and community uses that are important for supporting local needs within surrounding residential areas, and for providing a complementary function to the town centre in the overall retail provision in Dumbarton.
“As a busy and prominent thoroughfare into Dumbarton, close to the entrance for Dumbarton Castle and with roadside parking available, it is also likely to attract some passing trade and visitor/tourist customers.
“Although the council does not have any supporting evidence, it is considered likely that the proposal would have the potential to divert a degree of passing trade, and possibly established customers, from the local centre, and therefore adversely impact the turnover and viability of outlets in Dumbarton East.
“Given that most of these outlets are small, independent stores, any impacts on turnover may be felt more sharply.”
However, in response to the same question, Michael Powell of Peacock and Smith, said: “The character of the local centre is retail-led, with local shops serving a completely different market from a coffee-shop with a drive-thru facility.
“As such, it is considered that the proposal will not divert trade from the local centre, given the nature of the existing uses which are not directly comparable with the proposed use.
“The existing cafe within the local centre is considered to provide a different offer from the proposed Costa drive-thru in that it will serve a local market, with more emphasis on food and snacks, and is complementary to the existing retail uses within Dumbarton East.
“It cannot be considered directly comparable to the proposed facility, which will offer facilities to passing trade and those people who would otherwise not be visiting Dumbarton East local centre.
“It is therefore considered that the viability and vitality of Dumbarton East local centre will remain largely unaffected.”