A woman with a rare pituitary disease is dedicating her life to helping others after choosing to remain positive. Fitness instructor Sara Lomas was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease in February 2022, a rare disease which occurs when your body makes too much cortisol, a hormone related to the body’s stress response.
According to the NHS, it is usually caused by a tumour. Due to the progressive nature of the condition it can get worse over time if not treated. The 43 year old, West Bridgford, had a successful brain surgery in June 2022 to remove the tumour. However, despite being in remission the disease can effect every cell in the body, causing Sara to live "in constant pain with memory problems and fatigue".
It is estimated that only around 10 people out of every million are diagnosed with the disease each year. Since her operation, the mum of three has thrown herself into helping others and regularly fundraising for The Pituitary Foundation in an attempt to "turn things around and find a positive from all the negative."
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Sara said: "There simply isn’t enough information available about rare pituitary diseases. Nobody has ever explained to me what it means to have Cushing's Disease or what to expect.
"It can be a lonely feeling being diagnosed with a rare disease. This charity is a lifeline for patients like myself who seek to understand their diagnosis better and to feel connected."
She continued: "Knowledge is power and The Pituitary Foundation helps give me the strength to stay strong, to stay positive and to feel less isolated. It receives no government funding but is instrumental in raising awareness and a better understanding of pituitary diseases.
"It's a really hard disease to diagnose, and I think the biggest struggle for people that have it is being diagnosed and I think for people who have it that's most of the journey. Everything that happens afterwards is difficult but at least you're not just left out there, as it happens after years of not knowing what is wrong with you for most people."
On Sunday, April 2, Sara took part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon and described it as "so overwhelming." She said: "I sobbed at the finish line in complete shock and happiness that I had made it that far.
"Something I thought was impossible at this stage of my recovery. In fact I cried at every mile marker…and even at the start line."

She completed the half marathon with her 44 year old brother, Nik Walker, of Mansfield. Sara explained that he "was alongside me every step of the way in case I got too poorly, but I had painted ‘Cushie Warrior’ on my forehead so there was no way I was going to stop."
She added: "I am so proud of myself. My husband and three children are delighted." In March Sara abseiled off the roof of Queen's Medical Centre and raised more than £2,000 to better train staff on what to do with patients in adrenal crisis and on Sunday, April 9 she hiked up Mount Snowden with her family.
She explained: "Doing the half marathon and hiking up Mount Snowdon was incredibly painful, and my body doesn't really do what I ask it too. I was trying to do it for all the right reasons, but selfishly I was doing it to feel alive again as I want to raise money for charities but choosing those specific challenges that I did was for my own mental health as well and to just feel alive.
"With Cushions further down the line I hopefully won't be in pain at some point but it can take years, and people recovery in different rates." Sara added that there is "a lot of uncertainty being diagnosed and after diagnosis."

Sara also owns her own fitness business, Fit4EveryBody, where she currently offers fitness and activity classes for children. She said: " Last week all the children in my classes took part in fun-runs around Rushcliffe Arena Sports Hall and raised nearly £1000 to add to my fundraising total.
"The support has been phenomenal and it blows my mind every time I think about all the kind people around me. I keep reminding the children who say that I inspire them, that it is them that inspire me.
"People often describe me as the most positive person they know, and with the community support around me then its not a surprise I can stay so positive. To all the Cushie Warriors out there and to everybody battling for their health I recommend reaching out to those around you; together is when we can make the biggest difference."