A West Belfast woman has told of her cancer battle which was the worst three years of her life.
Philomena Lynas from Andersonstown has shared her story to raise awareness and to give back to the charity who helped her through such a difficult time.
The 60-year-old, who has two sons named Gerard and James, was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2016.
Read more: Belfast woman diagnosed with cancer at 27 says her 'world fell apart'
She told Be : "I was lying in bed one night and felt the lump. It was quite a large lump. I couldn't lie on my right hand side, it was really tender. I went to the doctor and they thought it was probably a cyst.
"They referred me anyway and as soon as I went to the referral, they kind of knew.
"They said they wanted to reduce it first and they started the chemo as it was really large. I was really ill every single time I got the chemo.
"They got half way through my chemo and they couldn't give me any more as I had taken so many illnesses - shingles, sepsis... Everything that was on the list you might take, I took.
"They stopped for a while to try and let me recover and then I had the operation to remove [the cancer] and they started the chemo again, then I got my radiotherapy and a year of herceptin."

Philomena explained how difficult it was to tell her loved ones about her diagnosis.
She said: "My two sons were devastated, but when my family and friends did find out, I have never had so much support."
The Belfast woman explained how grateful she is for her friend Gillian Burns who took her to all her appointments and who supported her every step of the way.
"She was there constantly, a massive support. She makes me cry all the time at how good she is. So good. All of my friends and family were very good.
"Gillian got me up and going."

Philomena received treatment until 2019 due to breaks in between and said those three years were the worst years of her life.
The West Belfast woman explained: "It was never-ending. It was horrendous. I was so ill all of the time and never got a break in between.
"In hospital they told me about Action Cancer so I contacted them. They were so good, I got complimentary therapies, I went on the Positive Living programme, yoga, acupuncture, healing, everything."
Philomena said the charity had a massive, positive impact on her mentally and physically.
"I was fit for nothing, so the only thing I did was go there for a long time to try and build my confidence up.
"My immune system was terrible. The first thing I did was counselling sessions and that helped me big time.
"I've always had a low immune system anyway and in 2011 I went through some major operations which knocked me back, but nothing as bad as my cancer," she added.
Philomena is urging others to look out for the symptoms of breast cancer and to make sure they go to their mammograms.

She said: "I tell everyone all the time, even my young daughter-in-laws, you have to feel, you have to look, and go [get a mammogram] when you are due to.
"A lot of people hate doing it.
"I always say to myself, 'How lucky was I that mine was treatable and caught on time?' I got all my lymph nodes removed.
"I know I've just been so so lucky, as other people aren't."
On Friday, June 10, a sea of pink will sweep through Belfast as Action Cancer hosts the Breast Foot Forward Walk sponsored by SuperValu.
With over 300 people already registered, participants are looking forward to an evening that will raise thousands for Action Cancer’s life-saving breast screening service.
Philomena and Gillian are taking part, with the Andersonstown woman adding: "I’m taking part in the Breast Foot Forward Walk as I wanted to give something back to this amazing charity. It has helped me so much.
"My friends and family have seen how good the charity has been to me so we have formed a group to go on the walk. I would encourage as many people as possible to take part and support Action Cancer.”
Online registration is now open at £12 per adult and £5 per child, and everyone taking part will receive a drawstring bag for life and complimentary pink t-shirt.
For further information or to register visit www.actioncancer.org, contact Action Cancer on 028 9080 3344, or email breastfootforward@actioncancer.org
Read more: Mum waiting five years on diagnosis taking legal action
Read more: 'I thought I was going to die': Belfast mum diagnosed with cancer three times
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