A question that has been ever-present in the minds, and on the lips, of celeb watchers over the past year and a half or so is: What’s going on with Wendy Williams? Since the early 2022 cancellation of her eponymous talk show, the star has continued to battle a number of health problems, shocking claims about her mental well-being, and complicated financial struggles, all while attempting to launch a career comeback. Now, her rep has responded after rumors began about the host wanting to return to TV and her new podcast being canceled.
What Did Wendy Williams’ Rep Say About A Return To TV And Her Podcast?
It was last summer, amid a number of reports of the former Hot Topics talker being ready to get back to work, that her manager announced her plan to start a podcast. She opened up to fans about it on Instagram in December, by promoting products from The Wendy Experience, but it was just a few weeks later that her brother called her out for missing their dad’s birthday while the podcast hadn’t even premiered yet. Her rep, Shawn Zanotti, recently spoke with Entertainment Tonight about the podcast, with rumors swirling that it had already been canceled:
We are still working behind the scenes on several projects. There has been no official cancellation of the podcast.
The lack of an “official” cancellation is good news for Wendy Fans who’ve been longing to hear more from the host since she had to step back from her beloved talk show in the late summer of 2021. However, representatives and PR spokespeople know how to word things to not quite give definitive answers, and the word “official” really sticks out to me. I’m not in PR, but could the use of that word indicate that the podcast is all but officially canceled, meaning that maybe progress on it stalled but no one is completely ready to say that publicly yet?
We’ll have to wait and see about that, but it’s intriguing to note that Zanotti also told ET that “Wendy does desire to return to TV,” which is actually the exact opposite of what was said about the how you doin’ host’s wants for her future career path when the podcast was first announced. Considering what’s been happening lately, it’s not impossible that Williams would prefer to be seen on a regular basis again.
For several months, it was rare to see or even hear from her as she battled various ailments, but that’s changed lately. In November of 2022, she spoke at the live Circle of Sisters event for WBLS, and has been stepping out in public more and more since, giving fans updates on her weight, and things like her relatively new “formerly retired” work status and simply going out to have a good time.
All fans can really hope for now is that Williams figures out her next move and stays happy and healthy enough to make it happen.