A lot has been said about former talk show host Wendy Williams over the past couple of years, and it’s been hard for fans to tell what of that supposed information is true or simply rumor. We do know that the beloved host has been beset with a number of health and financial issues, and while the early months of 2023 saw her do things like step out and speak positively about her weight, and talk about being “formerly retired” and getting back to work, it seems that progress has been slow going. Now, after her son said that she’s being taken advantage of, her manager has clapped back at the claim.
What Did Wendy Williams’ Manager Say About The Claim That She’s Being Taken Advantage Of?
It was just on June 5 that The U.S. Sun released an interview with Williams’ son, Kevin Hunter, Jr., who told the outlet that he felt his mother was being taken advantage of by her inner circle. He claimed that they were only concerned with getting her back to work, instead of getting his mother’s health on track, and alleged that her various representatives/friends were “enabling” her alcoholism, among many other claims. Now, the Ask Wendy author’s manager, Will Selby, has responded to his allegations, and told Entertainment Tonight:
Taking advantage of her for what? To get what? To do what? I'm not here to brag but I was doing just okay before Wendy came along and I insisted on helping her because she requested my assistance. Wendy is under a guardianship. Everything that she does gets approved by the guardianship. A court-appointed guardianship. So, no one, even if they wanted to take advantage of her -- everything has to get approved by that court. So, any type of business dealings that we do, Wendy, myself and anyone -- we have to get the guardianship to sign off on it. So how can anyone take advantage of her?
Williams’ financial troubles really started in early 2022, when her bank denied her access to her accounts and information about them, after her former financial advisor claimed to the institution that she was “of unsound mind.” By mid-February, the bank had petitioned a New York court to hold a hearing and see whether or not she was an “incapacitated person” and needed a court appointed advisor to manage her money. Though she and her attorney fought the claims and denied the need for a financial guardianship, as Selby noted, Williams had such a guardian appointed to her in May 2022.
This should mean, as he also said, that it would be basically impossible for anyone who works with her to take advantage of her resources, though it’s also pretty easy to see how her son wouldn’t necessarily be so sure of that, considering everything he’s watched his mom go through. Speaking of which, Williams’ manager also had some strong words for Hunter’s willingness to open up to the media in this way, and said:
If your mother was near death would the first thing you do is call an online publication? Okay. So, that's all I have to say about that... I usually don't do this. I'm only speaking on behalf of my client, and I'm not trying to have a debate with Kevin. You know he's a young man, and honestly, I feel like he's gone through a lot. He's probably dealing with a lot. I have a son that's the same age as him, and sometimes you just make poor decisions, in my opinion, and I'm just speaking to my son.
Aside from watching as his mother deal with addiction, other health problems, her money struggles, and how she’s still trying to rebound professionally from the loss of her daytime talker, her son has also had his life changed by her troubles. In August 2022, Hunter was sued for back rent on his Miami apartment, and was eventually evicted. This was a direct result of her being put under a financial guardianship, as she had previously been paying his rent. He had also been accused of being partially to blame for Williams’ money problems, and had to publicly deny using her credit card without being authorized to do so.
Selby had more to say about Hunter, adding:
I'm not here to be combative about whatever allegations he has. He's entitled to his opinion. I'm just trying to say that us, as adults, let's be responsible and let's actually utilize some common sense. Someone was near death, someone like your mother. Why would you go to an online publication to discuss it with them?
Williams has been attempting to get a podcast off of the ground for several months, but that appears to be on hold, at least for a time, as her manager did confirm that she’s back in a wellness facility and getting treatment (despite her lawyer denying hospitalization a few weeks ago), likely for her addiction issues. All we can really hope is that things go better for her after this stint, and that she’ll be able to better manage her life going forward.