WEKU won seven Kentucky Broadcasters Association awards. Two honors were for Excellence in Broadcasting. The station also won five KBA Impact awards. The awards were announced at the KAB Annual Conference in Northern Kentucky on Sunday.
The winning entries included:
Eastern Standard's RISE Documentary episode 1 on the 2022 Eastern Kentucky flood won two Excellence in Broadcasting awards for Best Talk Show and Best News Coverage.
Breaking News
Preparing for a fight: Kentuckians react to the overturn of Roe v. Wade
Continuing Coverage
Flooding Damages Historic Hindman Settlement School
Investigative Reporting
Isolated Ky. mountain communities face unique challenges as they recover from historic flooding
Best Radio Anchor - Wendy Barnett
and Best Sports Feature
WEKU's two Excellence in Broadcasting and five Impact awards were the most of any radio station in the Commonwealth.
Congratulations to the WEKU team for these journalism awards!
** WEKU is working hard to be a leading source for public service, and fact-based journalism. Monthly sustaining donors are the top funding source for this growing nonprofit news organization. Please join others in your community who support WEKU by making your donation.