Australian Ice Hockey League - Newcastle North Stars vs Central Coast Rhinos 5pm, Hunter Ice Skating Stadium, Warners Bay.
Beautiful Beaumont Doors - Live Mural Painting Event 10am to 4pm, Beaumont Street, Hamilton.
Follow The Line 10am to 4pm, Lighthouse Arts Newcastle, Nobbys Beach.
Handmade In The Hunter Markets 9am to 2pm, Kevin Sobels Wines, 5 Halls Road, Pokolbin.
Higher Ground: Bass & Arts Events 6pm to 1am, Croatian Wickham Sports Club, 20 Albert Street, Wickham.
High Tea With Friends 11am to 2pm, Newcastle City Hall, 290 King Street, Newcastle.
Lambourne Partners Race Day 11am, Newcastle Racecourse, Broadmeadow.
Legally Blonde The Musical Saturday 2pm to 4.30pm & Sunday 6pm to 8.30pm, Civic Playhouse, 375 Hunter Street, Newcastle.
LGBTQIA+ & Friends Skate Night 6pm to 8pm, YWCA Hunter Region Inc, 24 Dawson Street, Cooks Hill.
Maitland Taste Saturday & Sunday, The Levee, High Street, Maitland. A celebration of food, wine and produce from the Hunter Region. The program includes gourmet food, markets, food trucks, cooking demonstrations, live music, kids activities and more.
Nash & Dash Markets 9am, Mayfield Bowling Club, 2A Ingall Street, Mayfield.
Newcastle Demo Day 10am, NEX, 309 King Street, Newcastle.
Newcastle Toy Library Launch Party 9am to 11.30am, Newcastle Toy Library, 95 Regent Street, New Lambton.
Queer Love is Poetry 10.30am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 3.30pm, Newcastle Regional Library, 15 Laman Street, Newcastle.
Rowan Thambar - Nothing Deep, Just Good Times 6pm, Newcastle Comedy Club, 1a Darby Street, Newcastle.
Round 2 2023 5x5 Roller Derby Championship 1.30pm, Newcastle Entertainment Centre, Broadmeadow.

Sculptures at Scratchley Saturday & Sunday, 10am to 4pm, Fort Scratchley, Newcastle East.
Shute Shield Rugby Union - Hunter Wildfires vs Southern Districts 6pm, Newcastle No.2 Sportsground, Newcastle West.
The Journey Continues - Hunter Women Artists 2pm, Art Systems Wickham, 40 Annie Street, Wickham.
Warners Bay Market 9am to 2pm, Warners Bay Foreshore.

Bands In The Park 9am to 3pm, Multi-Arts Pavilion, Speers Point Park. Features Western Lake Macquarie Concert Band and Lake Macquarie Winds.
Community Drumming and Flow 2pm to 3.30pm, Dixon Park Beach, Merewether.
Homegrown Markets 10am to 2pm, Speers Point Park, Speers Point.
Newcastle City Farmers Market 7am to 1pm, Newcastle Showground, Broadmeadow.

Dice, with Dear Sunday, Saturday 8pm, Cambridge Hotel, Newcastle West.
Temtris, with Thraxas, Terrorential, Pyrefly, Saturday 8pm, Hamilton Station Hotel, Hamilton.
James Morrison Saturday 8pm, Lizotte's, Lambton.
Slow Cinema, with Baam Bam, The Future Thrills, Saturday 8pm, Stag & Hunter Hotel, Mayfield.
The Return of Steel City Dub Saturday 6pm to 11.45pm, Slingtown Espresso, 3 Beaumont Street, Islington.
Litter Fritter, with Ross Mvnro, Fr3aky, Were's Molly, Sunday 2pm to 10pm, Lass OGowrie Hotel, Wickham.
Wendy Matthews Sunday 2pm, Lizotte's, Lambton.
Tommy Gun, with The Tryouts, J. Ballico, Sunday, 7pm, Hamilton Station Hotel.