Netflix users are decrying a “pointless” moment featured in new series Wednesday.
Released earlier this month, the new series is an Addams Family prequel following the character played in the Barry Sonnenfeld-directed films by Christina Ricci.
Starring in the show, which is receiving acclaim, is Jenna Ortega, whose credits include X and the latest Scream sequel.
But its the death of another character that is leaving fans feeling disappointed with the show’s conclusion.
In fact, many viewers are agreeing it was unnecessary and are calling for the character to return in season two.
Spoilers follow – you have been warned*
In Wednesday, Nevermore Academy principal Larissa Weems (Gwendoline Christie) is killed off.
Speaking to Variety about the series, showrunners Alfred Gough and Miles Millar said that Christie “was such an amazing trooper” after discovering the news.
“She loved it, because it felt very surprising,” they said, adding; “She was totally on board for that.”
However, viewers did not share the same sentiment as Christie, and felt Larissa’s death was a missed opportunity.

“The only death that wasn’t required in my opinion was Weems – like she really didn’t have to die, it felt so pointless,” one fan complained. Another said: “Weems‘ death was very anticlimactic.”
“I’m gonna need them to bring her back to life asap,” a fan of the “iconic” character wrote, with another stating: “Are there any chances she will return? make her rise idk, just bring her back!!”
An additional viewer rather enthusiastically agreed: “I DON’T KNOW HOW AND I DON’T CARE BUT I NEED LARISSA WEEMS ALIVE AND WELL NEXT SEASON.”
Wednesday is available to stream on Netlifx now. The show has become a huge hit for the streaming service, which The Independent’s Jacob Stolworthy predicts could spell bad news in the long run.