It's just after lunchtime on a warm sunny afternoon in Belle Vale and tucked away from the main road is the St Cyril's social club.
While it is a quiet Thursday outside, inside a group of pensioners are having the time of their lives dancing to Roy Orbison with ‘Jive Teddy’ at the helm. The Happy Memories club afternoons are part of a Merseyside project that aims to combat loneliness and isolation and has become a "lifeline" for many of it's members.
It was started in 2018 by friends Peter Bowyer and Ted ‘Jive Teddy’ Williams and despite the pandemic, it has quickly become an institution for the older generation across the area with people travelling miles so they don't miss a "smashing afternoon" of live entertainment, dance, bingo, raffles and food. Now with four locations every month across Merseyside, the concept has already helped people get socially active again as friends, new and old, get together for an afternoon of entertainment and a singalong as their fond memories come flooding back.
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We visited Happy Memories at Belle Vale and it was clear to see just what the group meant to so many, who enjoyed singing and dancing and having a catch up with friends. When we arrived, people were getting stuck into the free tea and biscuits, already dancing in their chairs as they had lively, animated chinwags with other members.
One woman, who did not wish to be named, told the ECHO she attends the group every month at Belle Vale's St Cyril's Parish Club, describing it as a "life-line". She said: "I'll admit I was lost before, it really is a life-line. I can't wait to come.
"When you get to a certain age it's as though people forget about you. People don't want to know and it can be very lonely, but this gets you out the house, you meet people and you interact.

"It's probably a lifeline to many people here and like me, it's probably saved a lot too. It's like the golden oldies, it's fantastic."
According to Age UK, more than two million people in England over the age of 75 live alone, and more than a million older people say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member.
Entertainer and co-founder Ted said: "There's an awful lot of older people who want to do something with their lives and we want to reach out to those people, to those struggling.
"The pandemic has been absolutely disastrous, not just for those who sadly lost their lives, but for people's mental health and well-being, it's absolutely ruined us. These older people were locked away in their homes for two years and they became a shadow of their former selves.

"It had taken the sparkle out of their eyes, that's why we were so happy to have started back up again after lockdown. This group means so much to so many."
The group has even said to have helped people with dementia through throwback music and social interaction. But it also showcases the "amazing local talent" Merseyside has to offer.
Tom Cranny, who travels to every group from Crosby, said the group was "a great laugh" as wife Nell added: "We would be lost without it, we just love it, that's why we travel and we've never been disappointed.
"We have worked until we retired 12 years ago and for the first couple of years we couldn't find anything to go to. There's nothing available for the older people. But coming here you know you will have a good afternoon and the company you're in is fantastic.
"It's stopped people feeling isolated, especially because of covid. Loneliness is high amongst older people because things aren't really well advertised."

With life expectancy increasing and mental health issues on the rise, social disconnection and loneliness amongst older people is said to be an ongoing problem that will inevitably get worse. Groups such as Happy Memories are vital in bridging the gap and at least offering a solution, it’s just a case of making older people aware of what’s available.
Speaking to the ECHO, Isabel Griffiths, 74, said the group proves a "smashing afternoon" but fears there are other old people "still suffering" due to not being aware of what is out there. Manager of St Cyril's Donna McKevitt said the group means so much to so many.
She said: "One lady, her husband is in hospital but she's come along because she said she can't miss her Thursday, that's what it means to people. A lot of people are on their own or live in sheltered accommodation and even some are young who come with their parents. It means a lot to everyone. It's the only time some people get out."
The monthly events take place from 1.30pm at Mount Carmel, Woodlands, St Cyril’s and Dunlop’s priced at just £5 to attend.
Co-founder Peter said: "We've been doing this since 2018 but then we were hit by the lockdown but from that we have grown. It's like a Saturday night in the afternoon. But what we do need is more men, men are suffering too but they don't like to admit it, it's hard for them. It's not just helping people, the places we go to, we are keeping these clubs going."
He added: "We do our best to spread awareness but there’s no doubt still many people locked away and lonely. We can’t force people to get out and socialise of course but if you know of anyone suffering alone feel free to point them our way, or even just reach out and keep them company occasionally yourself."
To enquire about a group for you or someone you know call Peter on 07790128885 or Ted on 07941473318 or email or
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